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  • That's as far as everyone else get's too. Practise, Injury and way too much free time. Interesting, my sisters knees can bend partly backwards.

    I'm going to make a sprite for Cloud. It will definately involve Pidgey in some way. EPIC SPLICE HERE I COME!
    It was hilarious. I freaked the crap out of everyone there with my contortionist trick. I can wrap my right arm around my head and touch my right earlobe with my thumb. I can also lock all the middle knuckles in my right hand. (Yes, the Australian Equivelant.)
    I went to a party last night and scared the crud out of someone. They locked me out so I shuffled around holding a big torch. After I made a lot of noise someone said "Go see who's out there" so I stood next to the door and when they opened it they couldn't see me so they looked around the door and I raised the torch quickly, my height added to the effect as did the dark. They screamed. Funny as hell.

    Very well.
    Four messages down. Uncle Oceanic is a sneaky bugger. Heh, *pulls out an air horn* Just be glad this thing is full of bacon. *presses button* *bacon flies out of it*

    Yeah... Anyway, want some Bacon wine?
    As I said before: Uncle Oceanic does not approve of underage Drunkeness (Unless hilarity ensues) as it often results in confusion.

    It was a good idea and might've worked anywhere but there.
    Being drunk has that effect. Or is it something else? Have some bacon to calm down *Hands plate of bacon*

    I don't think that would work.

    Note: Uncle Oceanic does not approve of underage drunken conduct. Unless hilarity is involved and no one is hurt.
    Oh, and BTW, Silver...

    I'm not drunk. Nope, 100% sober. ;)

    And I have to go to bed. G'night. And Happy New Year. *kisses once more*
    Indeed. My Dad bought a Hot tub two weeks ago and yesterday we decorated the area around it.

    Also both my parents agree with me on Clouds Step-Dad.
    *looks at Silver for a second* Thanks?

    (I have to say that's how I would probably react.)(It's 1PM here but thank you none the less.)
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