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  • The shadow regices are going to take over the world! What's your master plan, Silver? And are you the leader, or just a nameless member of this cold, dark organization of people who happen to be born on the same day?

    If I find something fifth-gen, I'll change it.

    *I have no idea. I do listen to some cds, but not any of his.*




    *Banette charges up another shadow ball*

    *--_--* (After I posted the picture. It's probopass who has the little magnet thing in the back.)

    Phew. I thought that was goin to turn out very wrong. (yes, and you're the one who apparently took her shirt off.)

    .................|AWW-I MEAN YAY|..................

    I have a very nice pair I bought at meijer's. for $14.99
    Yep, found one. But it's still subject to change.

    *I don't really listen to his CDs. But I think so.*

    *Master ball explodes because it was hacked*

    I hope so. That shadow ball stings a lot.


    That smarts. Ouch.

    *O_o* (....there isn't. I'm wrong.)

    ".......... um.... suuure...." (awkward.)

    _____-_-______-__|SERIOUSLY THIS IS GETTING A BIT OUT OF HAND, DONT YOU THINK?|__-______-_-_____

    It was easier to hear superbird when we had our Wi-Fi match. (did you know he lives in NC too?)
    I will.

    *oh. no. I've heard 'love the way you lie' and the other one he made recently.*

    Gallade has a catch rate of 40, I think. No good.

    alright. *proceeds to ask* He says it's because I gave you a sneasel.


    "...!" *gets hit in the shin with shadow ball*

    *^v^* ( )

    *still speechless* "..." (that's not really what I was reffering to, but yeah. )

    0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--|I'M WORRIED ABOUT YOU|--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0

    I think so, yes.
    Maybe. But i'd have to find one, first.


    *styler fails*

    Oh, that's too bad. I wonder why, though.


    *whips around and sees nothing* ?

    *^^* Yep. I have a picture, if you want to see.)

    O-O (I am so glad that neither of my parents read this forum.)


    You speak into your DS microphone, and I hear it. And I can speak into my DS microphone, and you'll hear it.

    *I like a few of eminem's songs. Which reminds me- My friend was joking around, and he made up a rapper name for himself. The name's abbreviation was MMM, so somebody said "Hey, why don't you call yourself Emineminem?" XD*


    Well, for future refference.

    I... I have no clue.


    *Strange...* hmm... *hears a noise behind him*

    *?-?* ( by my last count, magnezone has four eyes.)

    "..." (I'm afraid of how this is going to turn out...)

    :::--:::--:::--||| BLADE |||--:::--:::--:::

    And we could talk using voice chat.
    Or anything sharp, really.

    *I've heard the old one. I need to hear the eminem one.*

    *backs away slightly* Can't we talk about this? work it out?

    Wow. I tend to play through a lot. BTW, here's an interesting challenge for you: trade over a team of all sinnoh-hoenn pokemon to HG or SS and playthrough it with them.

    No, not really. That would be sad. I always thought bannete were cool.


    *wait, what?*

    **-**(Magnezone is a big metal disk with three magnets stuck around it and an antenna on top.)

    *knows that trick, so pretends to drink the wine.* At least you don't act angry when you're drunk. (Bladey-boy? X-X)


    Badly. And, then we could trade (and battle)!
    well, I'm trying to think of a good pokemon... Maybe an Absol. I like Absol.


    You try to capture me, but fail.

    Well, it's just that I can't use my DS atm. And I think I'll lead with ampharos, her first pokemon out is a Gyarados.

    I have never owned any dolls. or marionettes.


    *a giratina appears out of nowhere and uses Shadow Force*

    *()-()* (well, magnemite is a floating steel ball with magnets attached. Wow.)

    *Blade shields himself and his pokemon from the meteors*

    Ok then. O_O What are you suggesting...


    Yeah. But you can find a manaphy on the GTS. (I still need a shaymin and a deoxys, though.)
    Gone, atm. I don't quite like this one, though. I'm gonna go look for a new one. (sadly, silver, christmas is over.)

    *well, I know the song. but the old one.*


    I'll try that. as soon as I get the chance to battle clair.

    I'd never throw out a pokemon.


    *gallade uses Night Slash*

    *^-^*(yeah well...Banette's just a doll that got thrown out and animated by a ghost. (wait that's cool.))

    *Blade points to the meteors that are falling from the sky and heading towards bannette*

    I will be. And I'm not so sure, either.


    That's too bad. I heard that if you complete one of them, you can get deoxys in a main series game.
    *gives up*

    Not just yet. But I will! (eventually...)

    I see. Did you ever find who threw him away?

    *see above*

    OS, HU... TAHW WON

    *sends out a Gallade*

    *...*(that looks awesome and is covered in red crystals. (for the record, a golem is a giant rock.)

    *quick-sends out a Dratini and a Trapinch, both of who use protect*

    Um... I'm a bit worried about what it might be. But, I guess I'll have to wait and see.(and I'm worried about the fact that you're drinking alchoholic wine.)


    Oh. Makes sense.
    I wouldn't do that if i were you...

    What I had planned was to paralyze kingdra so that my dragonair was faster, and then try to take it out with dragon rush. (My typhlosion is a girl. And it was purely by chance, too.)

    Oh. And a used napkin?

    *sees above, runs to warn silver*


    *gets up, wonders if silver meant komatana, and then throws a pokeball at her.*

    *um...ok. *cuddle** (D: you don't like Gigalith?)

    *jumps over the bannete, keeps moving backwards*

    Well, I usually go to bed around midnight. Except if I need to get up early the next morning. Speaking of non-alchoholic wine, we're going to get sparkling grape juice for tonight's dinner. We're having a party.


    I don't know. I've already seen it and I agree. She's 60 so they're trying to draw attention away from that.
    I tried logging onto the forums with the info I used to log into the rest of the site with and I never could for some reason... :/ Apparently that's what you had to do though or else you got the error message that I did when you clicked on the validation link it gave you. But I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be able to log onto the forums with that info anyway (since I couldn't), but I also didn't want to make an account straight off the forums because of that "no multiple accounts" rule.

    So yeah, I dunno. It was just really confusing and dumb and I'm still kind of sore about it. :[
    Like, apparently the GPX+ accounts and the GPX+ forums accounts didn't used to be the same thing, and then they decided that they needed to be, without even saying anything about it, so all the people who didn't register at the forums just had their accounts outright deleted after a few days.

    One day I got on to go about my clicking business and this error message with a Slaking came up and said something about how I didn't have an account or whatever, even though people could still click my stuff, and a few days later I tried searching for myself and my stuff wasn't there anymore.

    edit: posts when it happened here, here, and way-too-late explanation here
    Actually I got a CD for christmas called 'Top 30 Songs' or something along those lines (It has 41 songs on it) with Bad Romance. Now I don't like that song but the CD has about 5 of my favourite songs on it so whenever Bad Romance came on I would walk over to the CD player and hit next. It's quite a long walk.

    Ooh, they have the new ones on GPX+ now?

    I still haven't forgiven them for randomly deleting my account. :[ But that'd be cool. I'd click on it.
    I never knew that. Me and my friend go over 'Not Afraid' on the walk from the local Rec Centre to the school.

    You also ran out of room for 'left right left'.
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