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  • And Mawile's a bit angry, as well.

    That would be Ampharos, Dragonair, Rhyhorn, Honchkrow, Hypno and... Typhlosion. -_-

    Let me guess. He was in there with an old pizza box and a broken pokeball.

    Well, he's apparently mad.

    HO, I EES.

    *counters with a jump kick to the head and a quick succesion of sword slashes*

    * For ex, I would cuddle and snuggle with something fuzzy, or possibly you, but not with something sharp. or someone who was intimidating.* (Oh. But it evolves into something that looks cool.)

    *slowly steps backward*

    Only if it's non-alchoholic; I have to go to sleep soon.


    Well, that would be extremely strange. verrrry strange.
    Yes. And it keeps getting completely decimated by Kingdra. I thought of a strategy involving thunder wave, which should work.

    No, but, it's one of the only battles on the challenge board right now. Someone should probably take it within the next week.


    Wait... Why'd you capture Mawile? He's a nice guy who has inner demons that are represented by Murkrow.


    *throws silver off* En Garde!

    *depending on the person, maybe.* (?)

    a VERY REALLY HORRIBLY bad feeling about this...

    I know! It's like wine, yet not! (I know, I know...)


    Hmm. Maybe the way I talk?
    I say 'those stupid socks' because i'm jealoys of them, silly XD Okie, nice presents are awesome :D Yay for Cloudyness then ^^
    Oh, okay. :D

    I thought I was living under a traditional rock, like I do occasionallly. But that's usually a silly stupidity rock, and I can't seem to gain anything from it. :(
    o.o Have I ever told you that you are the scariestly randomest person I've ever met? I mean that in the nicest way possible, and those stupid socks are radiating adorableness that I can't ignore XD My Cloudyness XD!? Woooow xD I'm kind of scared of New Year's now >> xD
    When was that the tradition, on New Year's day to kiss someone? 0.o

    I never knew that, but no I will not be participating.
    Uh. No. They might kick me or bite me or something >> They don't like me much xD Uh oh, Silver haz an idea o.o? *backs away slowly* XD jk~ ^^
    XD!!! Um...probably not XD No one to kiss lolz. Plus...I dunno if anyone would even want to kiss me, so. XD
    I know. I got her Kingdra down to yellow, but that's as far as I've gone. And I'm kind of cheating. I have a honchkrow and a rhyhorn that knows Thunder Fang and Ice Fang that I traded over from SS.

    I think so, but I think he's busy. And I haven't seen him ref for a while.

    O.O *warps away*

    Maybe you should test it out on a pokemon you know is real first.


    *whips around with a foam sword in his hand*

    *how are those scary?* (no, they have some use. I was thinking something like the pokeball-mushroom thingy.)

    a VERY really bad feeling about this...

    They're delicious (and healthier) than soda. It's like sparkling grape juice, if you've ever had that. (no. I don't really look at where people are from.)

    At... I have no idea.
    ;-; I'm sorry. I really haven't been studying up on B/W (I'm in the middle of another HG playthrough. STUPID CLAIR AND HER STUPID KINGDRA (sorry.))

    No, I asked him if I could use one of his ideas for the battle. As far as a ref, we still have to wait.

    Or maybe I should have?

    Puzzling, isn't it?


    *loses silver*

    *wait, what's scary?* (Well, hopefully in gen V they'll make a NEWER useless pokemon.)

    A really bad feeling about this...

    Well, you don't have to actually buy something. And if you do, just buy one of those spaarkling fruit drink things. It's about the same price as a bottle of soda. (wait, oceanic's from australia?)

    Fine. I'm probably wrong, though. (Of course. -_-)
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