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  • well, Obviously I shouldn't have given you a sneasel.

    ... Um, that's just my current mood being manifested as energy and thereby changing my appeareance to more pokemon-like. I'm human, but I look like a pokemon. (don't tell anybody.) OR, I'm just a pokemon and your styler's broken.


    *Finds silver*

    *oh, I see. *Hug** (sadly, no.)

    I've got a bad feeling about this...

    OR maybe try going to a mall? or a Starbucks. I can usually connect when I go to a starbucks. (Good point.)

    I'm not entirely sure about the level, though. (does this have something to do with GPX+?)
    ... I don't know. Maybe a Sneasel.

    Um, silver, you do know that it doesn't work in real life, right?


    *looks for silver*

    *and what word was that?*(Sorry. The flames were part of a shiny magcargo I found on the GTS. The Bibarel was just a little bit lighter in color. And yes, I caught it.)


    I don;t know, maybe for spring break or something? (*smacks self* yes blade, spring break makes perfect sense IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER.)

    I think at about 20-ish. And Ranpurra(hitomoshi's evolved form) evolves into Shanderra after you use a Dusk Stone.
    Well, either someone painted it, or that's another person's bin.

    Why are you staring at me like that? and why are you drawing circles around me with your DS's stylus?



    *stops exploding*

    *0-0* (it was on the GTS. and yes, I got it. It had an orange rock and the flames were purple.)
    ok, then... should I be scared right now?

    The wifi at various hotels works.

    I think it's 16. could be 18, though.
    Oh, the one that's purple and overflowing with body parts.

    WElL, StUPid MiSTAke On YoUR PArT.

    ...*realizes that silver is taking her Rnager game way too seriously*



    *keeps exploding*

    *a way to say 'hug' that I haven't thought about yet* (YA- wait. I forget what comes next. Also, I found a shiny bibarel once.)

    ....um, not really?

    well, maybe the nexttime you go to mcdonalds or something? and I just realized white comes out in a week and two months. :D :D

    Thanks. I think 16-ish, right?
    Pikachu Lvl 41 (38 when I started the Temporal Tower)
    Cindaquil Lvl 40 (38 when I started the Temporal Tower)

    Roar of Time almost never hits cyndaquil. Pikachu gets the crud beaten out of him.
    Heh, I'm getting the crud beaten out of me by primal dialga on Explorers of Time.
    Ooh, jealous of the pokemon ranger game XD! I have o clue what a Zooble is >_> But the name made me laugh <_<
    A CycloDS, clothes, binoculars, fingerless gloves that look like ninja gloves XD, and stocking stuffers xD Wha bout you?

    Well, I was joking about 750, but 500 seemed likely to me.

    Well, then maybe you should convince your parents to get you Wi-Fi.

    suddenly, a decent recolor:
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