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  • ...I'm amazed. That was a bonus track on a CD of theirs. Which means it literally hasno chance of being played on the radio. Wow. (I swear I heard it at the mall, but I though to myself "nah, must be a different song.

    1.Maybe ask for one for christmas? or, if you get an IPod, buy some digital ones of of ITunes? I have their concert one, Infinity On High, Folie A Duex, From Under The Cork Tree and Believers Never Die. And I'm going to buy this. (obbsesed, much? XD)
    2. My favorite right now for some reason is this.
    3. Neither do I. Must be something to do with the moon; I heard it drives people crazy.
    4.Yes, and now I think there's six. Or possibly four. I really don't know.
    Another question: Have you ever heard of a band called Panic! At The Disco?
    Also, I think I'll start my RP now.
    I probably won't guess... what was it?

    also, two curious questions: 1. What album of F.O.B. do you have? (if any) 2. What's your favorite song of theirs? 3. Why am I asking you these questions? 4. Wait, I though there were only two questions....
    ...I can almost understand why.


    I get too interested in what I'm doing and forget to go to sleep until I look at my computer's clock.

    I strangely also hear conversations from across the room. Weirdly i can pick my name out from a roar of conversation. Helps when people make fun of me behind my back.

    At least we don't rant about everything. That would get annoying to everyone.
    I'm surprised no one's freaking out about the flames. The forest is catching fire!


    I regularly forget to go to sleep. Mainly because my alarm doesn't go off... cruddy watch.

    As am I... just not to the point of stalking, I eavesdrop. Without even trying, the three girls that sit behind me in math talk all through every lesson so I overhear things.

    I do that too. I go on and on and on whenever I'm theorizing (don't ask) And my friend is arguing with me about the logic, I usually win.
    so....*tries to think of something to talk about, but then realizes he completely fails at conversation*

    *finds something* Apparently, you're still on a burning roof in Titress's RP. And did I mention it's on fire?

    Speaking of RPs, I'm planning to start the sign ups thread either today or tommorow, or possibly the day after.
    I had to go xD
    Oh. I'm playing final fantasy tactics advance and one of my favorite characters in it is a moogle xD
    Meh, Allum is really just anti-social. Mainly spiteful because he is blind and wound up without any special powers (he doesn't count his echolocation). He will enjoy flying a lot. He still doesn't like Dian, no matter what she says. (BRCB is cool though.)

    You'd only find me if you went to Wine country in WA, not that I''m drunk I just happen to live there. My dad runs some cottages.
    Never try and hug a kangaroo in the wild, those guys can break a full grown man's jaw with a kick. when they stand up full height they are over 6 feet tall in this area.

    I'm rarely online with a schedule. My mother lives in the town without internet so I can't get online there. On tuesdays and thursdays as well as the weekends I have a definite source of internet. Until about 5PM anyway. That's why I'm not always online. Creepy that you take note of when I'm online, I just learn the timezones so I know when they can be online. Usually you're up until past midnight. I could never do that, I'm bigger than most and I need lots of sleep, even when I sleep from 8PM to 7:30 AM for a week straight I have huge dark rings under my eyes. As well as that i have trouble going to sleep because I 'think too much' as a friend of mine put it.

    Anyway, my problems are nothing, I live with them and they shouldn't be fussed over unless I become an insomniac, which I once was. Not pleasant. It worked out though. [/randomrant]

    Sorry to bore you like that, I got into a ranting mood. How are things with you?

    You should go on GPX+, too, because
    1. I'm on there alot. ^-^
    2.GTS+ and GPX+ are connected, so you need only one account to use both.

    (Yes, I'm back. )
    Allum is just annoyed with how arrogant Dian is, and how reckless.

    Have you ever been to Australia before? It's a lot different than anywhere else. We have kangaroos. They are dammed scary in the wild, i have see one, got chased by it too. Although I think I might've imagined it chasing me. Damn ten year old imagination.

    I have to go to school now, see ya when I'm next online.
    Allum now seriously hates Dian. Or at least has a strong distaste for people that burn down forests.

    It's actually quite pleasant at night, during the day its not too bad, in fact it's usually colder outside than inside. Here it is anyway. The beaches here are pretty good, cool most of the year. One of my favourite beaches is Flinders bay, there's a big rock off shore that you can walk to. Its submerged usually but when it isn't it's fun to jump off of. Slippery though.
    Meh, Atleast he has echolocation, else he'd be screwed.

    This time of year unless you went to a beach or possibly a town in the cooler parts you might fry, or maybe boil. Down here it's rather hot but the northern parts are hotter. Not so sure about Melbourne, I'll have to ask my dad when he gets back.
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