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  • No, no she is not. Although Allum respects her fighting... sorta.... okay he finds it stupid.


    So does most of my class.

    Meh, i say a lot of big words. so people think it's gibberish.

    We have three horses or something like that.

    Not really. They're pretty quiet.

    I only have a japanese red version.
    Ah well, I still have the other one that you just accepted me in, and (hopefully) the Creation
    Oh yeah I signed up for him I forgot. No, I did not. IT was probably because it was too short or something.
    And the creepy jack-n-the-box named charlie D:

    ...wait, we're watching the same show at the same time XD?
    Maybe next time what :s? Well, you can't really do anything right now so I don't blame you.
    oh! You mean in my siggy? Yes, I have a cookie counter :3 If you click on it, you can give me a cookie and the number goes up x3!!
    I'm sure Vincent will stop her.


    Meh, at least i can reach high shelves. The teachers at your school don't pay much attention do they?

    Meh, my dad lives on a farm, i see the country plenty. I was born with a minor speech impediment or something like that, It's hjardly noticable now but my friend claims i have a lisp... no one else can hear it.

    We do, mainly because the people in this region are spread out so far there's a bus for each area.
    The RP is doing well, need for a progress in plot is evident, when the hunters arrive I'm closing registration.

    ......................................................... .... . ....

    Meh, being fun isn't as fun as one might think, I have to duck under most of the doors on my dad's property. I remember there was a kid that hid inside one of the science room cupboards so we too a few of the metal rods and used them to lock him in. The teacher didn't notice until he went to get something from the cupboard. Which was near the start of the lesson.

    Well, I don't know anything about the US really so I can't really be surprised. Where I'm from is all vineyards and tourist town.

    In this part of WA we have pprimary, upper and lower school, although upper and lower are basically the two sections of the highschool. Fairly soon i think they're adding a middle school but idk. I love writing and pixel-art. However, i keep this in mind when i show people my work: Whatever they say, you can still improve.
    I noticed! Yay! *starts dancing*

    You can accept forms to. I need to leave for a few hours, so that would be very helpful.
    Oooh, send me the idea in a PM, It sounds interesting. That and I've forgotten how I was going to start the hunting.


    Meh, I'm fairly intimidating. If i hear someone say my name i look at them and they try to apologise. Being tall and knowing how to glare helps a lot. That and there are only a few people who aren't intimidated by me.

    I have to do German next year. I chose to, I've been doing it for two years and it's one of my favourite classes. Along with IT and Graphics and Design. By year 12 I get to choose four of the five classes, english is mandatory.

    About the same here. Actually Bali is the farthest I've been from home, although once I did drive most of the way across the south end of the country.
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