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  • Thank you :3
    I made you something cuz I was bored XD

    Well, you can draw them and just wait to upload them, right? That's what I'm doing, uploading them five at a time ^^
    XD Either scanning it with a scanner or taking a picture with a digital camera and uploading to your computer would work ^^

    On a totally unrelated note, I finally posted my intro post in Pokemorph Hunters :3
    It was waay longer than I meant it to be though XD
    :O YAY~! I joined too x] I've drawn a snake and a Pikachu wearing a santa hat with one hand on a present :D
    XD Who else do you think should be in it? Zoltea had just made the suggestion, I hadn't gotten the chance to invite anyone yet xD
    At least she can see.

    .......'..."..-.'-.'-.'-.-'.-'-.'-.'-.-.'-.-'.-'-..-''-.-'.-'.-'.-'.-'. "|-..-|"

    As can I. And I'm the quiet kid.

    Ever been attacked by a rabbit? They're extremely vicious.

    I used to have a game like that. I got really far then had to go and it froze on the save screen x(.

    Lucky guy, My birthday's in February. I'm an Aquarius.
    *looks too* no, those are just the civil war ghosts.

    Well I'm not a stalker. And I sort of trust you. But I just don't think my parents would be so pleased with me having a phone number to someone I've met through a Forum, who happens to live in virginia. (They barely like me having phone numbers with girls in my own school.) So, sorry.

    Um... that was sudden. Give me two years, and I should be done! (kidding) I'll try. But I want to know if I have the right software first. I have Paint and Corel Paintshop Pro 2. Will either of those work?

    G'night! Wish for snow, so maybe you won't have to go to school!
    I know. I have to train it one of these days.

    We could. But that would involve 2 things: me paying for a texting plan (which may hapen anyway) and exchanging phone numbers. Which might be a bit strange.

    That's too bad. I would love to have you teach me, though. I need all the help I can get.
    Well, I sort of gave it a couple of egg moves, raised it to level 12, and forgot about it. I think it's gone now, I haven't really checked.

    Mine is some sort of nokia flip-phone. I just want a nice phone on which I can text, listen to music and visit TCoD. I also want an IPod.

    Who is this Zulo? I have quite a few things to learn about spriting.
    Well, he's probably off somwhere with my long forgotten shinx, plotting against us.

    We are actually lucky enough to have promethean boards in all of our classes at the high school. And yes, I do. (but it's nothing to look at. *grumblegrumble*)

    Lucky you. I completely fail at computer art. (that hat is my masterpiece.)
    ...don't remind me. *recalls Bagon* sigh.... I'm not good with dragons for some reason. (not really. I'm awesome with dragons.)

    I watched this in spanish class after a boring lecture on conjugating verbs. Pure awesome. XD

    I'm going to work on making it. using my limited paint skills and teh interwebs.
    no, he doesn't. He doesn't like anyone. *bagon uses draco meteor* OH SHI- *gets hit by a meteor*

    They're hilarious too. Favorite show of all time.

    No, but I will as soon as possible (we don't really need the map until we get te oppurtunity to get off of Liberty Island anyway.)
    Yes, it could that's kind of the point. *asks Bagon to use Hydro pump, gets it used on self instead.*

    I watch it every wednesday. It's epic. ("That's what we do on Mythbusters. We blow stuff up.")

    starting an RP lounge.
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