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  • And now she's being attacked by a man with a hunting rifle and a pack of fire-breathing dogs. Poor person.


    Meh, Dwayne can outspeak a legion of megaphones.

    We do. Two of them.

    Nah, I got the idea from my name. (also River.)


    I'm looking forward to Christmas. My uncle is coming down for a bit, I rarely get to see him.
    Guten Tag, Bonjour, Konichiwa, Ni Hao, Hola and Hi.

    Well, I'm starting going to start sending out the PMs of what pokemon people are going to turn into. (you're a magikarp (not really. XD)) If you could do what pokemon I turn into, that would be great. (if you want to know how I'm basing the transformations, I'll PM you about it. they may be watching me... <.< >.>)

    Let's check what good happened:
    -She grew ears and a tail.
    Yeah, anything else?

    Allum will probably end up dragging someones unconscious body into the air with him. Either that or someone who is incapacitated. We shall see.

    --.-.--.-.--.-- ...- ...- ...- ...- ..._ ...-...-...--

    Your class may be quieter than my LOTE class. We have two or three of the loudest students in it.

    We also have a few kangaroos, an emu, an ostrich and a long billed corella. We run a tourist attraction.

    Possibly, i only know that there's one called River.

    Lucky you.
    Yeah, a friend traded me my blue for it, the blue stopped working the month after we traded.
    Yes, I think there's 11. Tommorow, I'm going to put up the pokemon. You have to choose mine, so it'll be fair. Maybe then, one of us can set up an RP lounge.

    Really? Congrats! I have a copy of yellow.
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