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  • *stops running* oh, good.

    Oh! I had that at my middle school last year! good luck, I hear it's a tough competition.

    somewhat... If you want to ask ,go ahead. (i can listen to problems very well, and I sometimes have solutions.)

    It would also look good as your avatar. two-in-one, I guess.

    I don't even have that. I have a CD player. And it broke. D:
    Oh. *runs again*

    No. It doesn't stand for Bottles Occupy Belese, does it?

    Yaeahno. I'd like to see you dance with a guy, epecially when most of them are a year older than you. (wait.... you'd probably do that, wouldn't you. darn.)

    No, but I imagine it would look somewhat adorable.

    If my luck keeps up, never. Hopefully, I might get one for christmas.
    No they aren't *nervously glances around the corner to see if the shinx is there*

    It was fun. It wa a class at my school, so yours might be a little bit different.

    -_- No.

    That would be a good idea. It's B/W sprite is a really good refference.

    I have ITunes now. I can make playlists with all of my F.O.B. music. And upload it to an IPod (when I get one.) Yay.
    yeah, but people are starting to figure stuff out now, as far as I know.

    It was basically programming robots, and they used legos as the main medium. You had to have your robot complete a series of tasks, and have it do a victory dance at the end.

    No problem. I've decided, I'll wing it. Thanks again for the help!
    O.o okay, I've ahd no internet for just over a day, what a time to miss out.


    Meh, I'm just the kid with the high IQ that makes people confused.

    They have teeth too. Not as sharp as mine but still painful.

    I remember i started my Sapphire and I was button smashing A to get through the start. I somehow got a shiny female torchic called AAAAAAAAA. Now if only it wasn't so far to the name changer.

    My sister is Gemini too.

    Nice, I feel like I have nerve damage in my fingers from carrying my school books.
    yep. Chaos is fun.

    O.O lucky. I wish I had one. I took a lego robotics class in 5th grade, but that was it.

    sending a PM. Thank you.
    I saw. I'm gonig to post, too.

    Arghh. I am so frustrated with how difficult it is to get stuff to work. At science olympiad, (this science event we have that we train at school for.) We just finished getting this machine to work. IT's just so frustrating.

    Also, if you're good with personal-like advice, I have a question to PM you.
    What if your Shinx likes me?

    And its a moogle. IN A FREAKING SANTA HAT! :D

    Shading is pretty much the darker and lighter spots on it. Imagine a lamp hitting it. If you take a Gallade and Chimchar here is how you shade it:
    Take the dark orange off Chimchar and use that instead ofthe dark green.
    Take the lighter green and replace it with the lighter orange.
    Take the middle colored orange and trade it with the middle colored green.
    Make his legs the color of Chimchar's hand, if you have to edit the colors some you can do so.
    *calls back to silver* If that's the case, you should probably run too.

    That's great. A new avatar is always nice.

    I look forward to seeing some of your art. I tried editing a gallade sprite, and I found something out. I don't have the first clue about shading. D: That's why I don't really like to sprite. I do write, though. If you have any ideas on how I could get better at shading ,that would be greatly appreciated, cause I'm pretty clueless.

    Well, at least you got something done. I hate it when you have to stay home, and you can't do anything.
    No. They died during the Civil War. And now they're ghosts. Oh look, there's the army of pokemon. *runs*

    Well, I'm hoping that's not a first for you (I generally tend to trust people. *shrugs*). North Carolina, then.

    I'll try. I will show you any sprites I make, so that you can grade me on how I do. Thanks!

    Oh geez, I'm sorry. I don't know why, but I have a feeling I might have kept you up. Sorry if I did. Yes, I did have school today. It was completely uneventful, sadly. What dod you do while you were at home?
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