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  • Heh, he'd rather not get involved.


    Like that... would... happen... You might be on to something there.

    You know, that hurts worse that having your finger cut off. Just ask my friend.(if its where i'm thinking your talking about.) Macho Baby?

    Heh, I once raised a maikarp egg thinking it was togepi. That magikarp is now a very powerful gyrados.

    Otter? Why?

    I agree. Most people here actually go through something bad at least once. So they can sympathise. I agree also, just because my friend is qualified to be an Hardware Technician doesn't mean he has to become one... but he will, because it is what he wants to do.
    Heh, at least Allum is staying out of it.

    Nope.... What gave you that idea?

    Meh, no one really messes with me because I'm taller than almost everyone else. Although there are a few year eights that try to make fun of me... it would be more insulting if they knew what they were talking about. But usually if i walk at them they run away.

    I've got a box full of eggs... i don't have the faintest idea what any of them are.

    Reminds me of Dawns nickname from the Anime... but 'Big D'? I cannot begin to theorise about that. Although I was called 'Choc Milk' by people for a while. Now its just Riv-Doggah. I don't even know the story behind that name.

    Meh, I'm more worried about Cloud. I mean... well for one his step dad is a control freak, (I read too many psychology books.) But also even his logic is screwed up, I don't know about the school systems there but over here the worst we have is verbal bullying. Of course I suppose parents have their reasons.
    Chaon's character reminds me of the Hulk.
    __ _

    That's one of the few reasons I avoid facebook. That and if you get called to court in Australia you have to go. It's a legal summons.

    ... Possibly, I've never tried. I tend to avoid fighting... but yeah I think I might be able to.

    Usually I have a ditto and some random pokemon in the daycare. Normally an Eeveelution. Although I have used others.

    You should meet my friend. His last name is Swarbrick-Herring so we call him Stone Fishy.

    Nah, that's more likely over in the Eastern States. It would be hard to flood here, too many trees.
    Allum thinks everyone is insane... they are, aren't they?

    '\._______ ._. _______./'

    I'm the only person I know who can translate what my friend says. He is the eppitimy of a techno nerd. He is qualified to become an IT technician (I think).

    Yes. Very. Naturally too.

    These days i dont button smash. Although I do fail to notice some things. like when my egg hatches. I open my menu and I'm like "Where the heck did that Eevee come from... oh, right."

    For the first six months of year eight i was known as Creek, Ocean or Waterfountain.

    I'm doing alternate texturings of Eeveelutions. They gave me an idea for part of an RP. Althout Hunters is going well so it is not necessary, I still saved it away as a .txt.

    I feel a bit depressed (rare for me, no one I know can say they have seen me depressed) because I feel I cannot give Cloud any advice. He seems to be handling the situation well though. I'm happy he has the will to keep from becoming an absolutely depressed psychomaniac.
    Oh, thanks for reminding me... I forgot. I should do that, as long as homework allows. ^^;

    I'm killing my shift key XD
    Hehe, thanks. x) You don't have to say MOAI in all caps if you don't want too, that was just for emphasis. :U
    No, because we talk alot, they think we're related or something. They want to attack all my friends and family. Nothing personal, they just really hate certain humans.

    So am I. I only got into private school because I read at a 10th grade level in first grade.

    Or vice versa, I write stories and you make pictures of them! For example, you illustrate a pokemon battle I write. it would be AWESOME :D

    Yeah, I tend to warp. I could show you how, if you like.

    I talk way too little. I really need to be less shy. :/
    Breathe, Sky, Breathe..
    So do I, but in case you haven't noticed we're being chased by a literal army of evil pokemon. *panics*

    What. That's a lot of books, I think I read 27 my whole 8th grade year.

    Yeah, but we could wokr together, or something. I could write, and you could illustrate!

    Well, I move without my knowing. I'm in North Dakota now... Now I'm back in Indiana.

    Well, I'm proud cause I usually don't talk much.
    /late reply
    Aww, has you found your sticker yet?
    YAYAYAYAY I beat Blade in a wi-fi battle :D!!!
    -was so totally not scared out of his wits afraid he was gonna be torn to shreds and stomped on like some newbie and traumatized for life-
    It was a clooooose battle, I was so lucky. xD...
    Now to battle Sonic Nintendo tonight for his badge :3
    TAKE THAT YOU TUTU-WEARING SAVAGE! HA! *Hits kirlia with a foam sword*

    Last year, there were 12 books. they were all short, but still.

    Not that big a deal. The extent of my art ability is sitting on top of my avatar's head. I'm a writer, not a draw-er...-ing person.

    O.O Oh my god you sound like I know you. Are you sure you live in NC?

    .....400. Wow. I only have 390 somethin VMs, so you take up more than half of them (something to be proud of.)
    Yeah, I don't know why- HOLY CRAP! *kirlia teleports right in front of me*

    Nice. The only party I've ever had like that was a pizza party last year for wining 7th place in state at science olympiad last year.


    Oh. sorry, I guess I misunderstood you.

    Finally!! Someone who agrees that Hannah Montanna's music is complete crap. Yay! :D

    strange, there's already 200. din't know that.
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