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  • He sure looks a lot different now, doesn't he?

    It's also coming out in CD form, I think. And if you have a facebook you can download a free MP3 of each song.

    wait.... How can you have said that you're shy? that has to be one of the most unbelievable statements I have ever heard.
    Yes. These are both fake. [/sarcasm]

    I actually like the second one, but they're both awesome. I heard that he's realeasing his new album in februrary.

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    I would too.

    He was cooking dinner.

    ...Yeah... Maybe.

    I will.

    Do you think that will work with his step dad? he'd need appendecitus to get out of it, then his step dad would just send him there afterwards. Heh, I only ever had a Linoone HM SLave. I killed snorlax with a Focus Punch from my Ampharos. However I was only able to kill the pikachu with my Rhydon as the hail slowly damaged it the used my Pigeot to knock it out.
    Once, my sib found a Crsselia egg, but she missed it.




    Yeah, on my Drag Cave account all my dragons died. D: I gave up after that.


    Yes! And no, I don't. I have PokeFarm, though!

    I'm glad you think so! I think it's quite cute as well.

    |) () |\| |\| /\

    Meh, I scare a lot of people.

    Yeah, only the other day too. Yeah It's funny from the outside but it hurts like hell.

    Nope, although in some instances it changes the pokemon that hatches from the egg.

    ...I like your thinking, similar to my own style.

    And he is homeschooled, if they want him to groww up happily they should let him socialise. Otherwise he might turn out creepy. He isn't but it's always a possibility. I've never been too bothered with training my pokemon with any EV training or whatever. Usually i just select six pokemon that work welll together. Thats how I beat the elite four on my SS with only level thirties.
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