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  • Meh, I don't think anyone is going to post again.

    ...Pointless much?


    ...Not really. He misspelled 'of' by accident.

    Yeah. That's the first shiny i saw, second was a Graveller that was gold... if only i had've taken a few pokeballs. Now i carry about 900 of them at all times.

    ...Again: What?

    Meh, may as well try. We can make it powerful fun.
    Could be worse. He could be deaf. Then he'd be screwed.

    So, I noticed you're invisible?


    Meh, He's done worse to himself.

    Oh no, I killed the poor pokemon. My friend has about four shinies.

    Uhr, what?

    Think our Collab will turn out well?
    mhm, I copied and pasted at each step just so you can see like what the shapes are, what adjustments were made along the way, etc.
    Believe me, you need to get really lucky with teachers when you get ti high school.


    Well, If that's the case, then maybe we can get along okay. Mental Note: trustno1 especially Silver.

    no. But I keep getting trades off of the GTS from different countries. ( Volcaropod is French for Magcargo, Dragonir is German for Dragonair, Kamlaut (i think) is German for Gible, Libegon is French for Flygon, and I have a bunch from japan.)

    "..1, 21 guns, laty down your arms, give up the fight...: It's a great song.


    G'night! It's not good to be invisible. sometimes
    Maybe I could show you some scratch techniques.
    I'll show you some step-wise pictures.

    Kay, step 1 - draw the shape, in this case the head of something 4-legged

    As you can see, the lines are clumpy and unsmooth, so let's smooth it out to a 1 pixel width - which is step 2:
    Now it's 1 pixel in width, but it looks like a horribly distorted head, so now for step 3, fixing up the shape with a technique:
    That looks a lot more like a head shape now.

    The technique used there is taking straight lines and curving them at the ends, as seen here:
    [img] -> [img] -> [img]

    Basically, you add a line of pixels just smaller than the first one on the side of the the first line that goes in the direction of the curve. Then just remove the now excess pixels from the first line.

    Once you have that you should have all you need to make a basic outline of any pokémon. :3
    It's not much different, as you'll probably see soon enough.


    *approaches carefully*Well, you hit me when I said that my favorite beatles song was Eleanor Rigby. Mental Note: Release Xenon at the first sign of trouble. He'll take care of it from there.

    Riolu is awesome I have a Riolu with Blaze Kick. Also ,did you know the german word for Bulbasaur is Bisasam?

    I have one of their CDs (American Idiot) But I want 21st Century Breakdown.

    (you mean they'll go to hawii next year, or that europe will come to them next year?)
    ^^ My return to a bit of spriting was that scratch Jolteon sprite. Before that I hadn't done spriting in well over a year.
    Lol thanks. A lot of those sprites were from back when I sucked at art. ^^ (I still suck, just not as much, ;P)
    ...I wish I went to yours.


    Well, you did threaten to kill me. Mental Note: While she's looking for foam weaponry, don't tell her about the pokeball containing Xenon from the LBP.

    Oh, I misunderstood you. I thought you meant as your starter. (I think you can also get a gallade in deep space rift.)

    So do I. You have no Idea how epic this stuff sounds to me.

    Well, If I was half awake, it would be more like: Hola como estas i am a named person who has a name ha ha hurr durr *thud* *snore*

    (Hawaii? that's pretty far. (though some people are going to europe later this year at my school.))
    I was looking at the online users list and saw you looking at my sprites album. x3
    You can lose the lanyard once per quarter, you get a detention every time after that.


    *Turns around, and slowly walks back to Silver* Well, I said I'd try to trust you... Mental Note: don't tell her you have a foam sword until it's too late.

    I didn't know you could get a ralts. (I've only played Darkness, so I could be wrong.)

    They are AWESOME. They did this. My favorite song of the year.

    ...no, that would look like this: slufjiehf;i djfkls;jih;sd ksdhfeihfkl idfjkefohi; jkldhsf; ... fkjds a;sdf;.

    (sorry for not replying for so long. I ddn't ignore you, I was at a four-hour choir practice.)
    I have a couple times. If you lose it, the temporary ID is a sticker.


    .......*RUNS FOR DEAR LIFE BY GOD!* mental note: Never think Silver won't kill you. cause she will.

    Well, it's a bit obvious how much I like gallade, so thanks for picking him.

    I don't know if I'll go or not, it's still tentative.

    ... I am?
    Heh, Allum remembers almost nothing.

    3v3ry60dy 10v35 1337

    ...Yes i would.

    Meh, he will anyway.

    I found a shiny Trapinch once. Soon after I found out what false swipe did.

    Indeed it would.

    That might not help him. With his step-dad I can only see going along with it helping him. Although his step-dad is still evil on the 31st degree.
    I just tend to wear it all the time.


    Well, that's good.

    *relief face* Good. Ithought you might kill me.

    THANK YOU! I can't wait to see what he looks like.

    I also heard some great news: I might be getting tickets to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra-live!

    Well, I need to go to bed. (you know, the whole 'gettign up and going to school' thing.) G'night Silver.
    ...If you did, you'd get out in detention.argh, they're so frustrating.


    Sorry if I did.

    ... *scared face* Yes. It's my second favorite song of theirs.

    :D Really?! (Leon was a gallade, right? I've been in too many RPs.)
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