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  • I'll be fine in the dark legion RP ^^ I'll probably be overly cautious regardless of how many RPs I do.
    It's hard for me to find RPs that perk my interest.
    It's not bad, really. I know a couple of girls who have worn that kind of shirt to school.


    *scoffs* is that the best you got? *uses Earthquake* Mental Note: I don't play fair either

    well, I'm surprised nobody said that the CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!*shot*

    It's fun. And I get to write too. And I get paid for it! (in ASB money, of course.)

    probably. the middle school where I'm at doesn't go anywhere for choir.

    Well, I'll wait to see it.

    No. that would ruin the fun! (but, they shortened the name of one of their songs (Thnks Fr Th Mmrs) because fans were complaining about how long the songs titles were)
    Yep. He sometimes wears it.


    Fine then. *evolves into Gyarados FOR REAL THIS TIME* Mental Note: She's screwed now.

    O-O it's not?! EVERYTHING I KNOW IS A LIE!!!!! (I get nachos though. They're nacho nachos.AHAHAHAHHHAHHA*shot*)

    Well, she does get on sometimes. (I just got approved as a refferee!)

    I don't do that. I 'm in choir because I like singing. (and we get to go to invitationals and compete.)

    ...well, I did but not as thin (kind of like human arms with swords coming out.) but it's your drawing, so do whatever you wish.

    Ironic. Also random fact: the longest title for a song by fall out boy is: "Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save the Scene And Stop Going To Shows)" and the second longest is either:"I've Got A Dark Alley And A Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song)" or "I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy And All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me". And they all came off of the same album.
    My brain has been screaming to do formal RP, xD
    Admittedly Dark Legion is only my third RP.
    GIMP to adjust transparency, used layers and just did outlines on each layer. For each frame I put different transparencies on the layers. From there I used Iaza to animate it.
    :o it's animated
    My dad has one of those (I bought it for him for a birthday present.)



    Oh, and don't forget taco. Where the hell did it come from?! "Wow, look at this hard u-shaped shell that holds meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato and sour cream. I think I'll call it 'Taco'."

    Oh, negrek rarely gets on to update ASB stuff. (Granted, she's in college and actually has a life, so that makes perfect sense.)

    Well, maybe you should find a way to go with friends (or maybe they're not that big a deal to you. They're only a big deal to me because I'm in the choir.)

    Well, that's to be expected. (I hope his sword-arms look good, though.)

    Well, by glancing at the time, you're probably asleep. If you're not, G'night. If you are, then Good Morning!
    ..not really (he doesn't mean anything he says.)


    *turns into magikarp, then evolves into magikarp* Mental note: silver's screwed. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    you forgot fruitcake, crumple, boing, and various others.

    I beg to differ... *grumbles about Negrek*

    You should go, they're always fun when I have them.

    Well, that means you're almost done!
    My world history class is fun. The teacher is awesome and he makes fun of himself for being fat. he also makes fun of his wife.


    Well, I can't! *keeps running*

    One of my friends said that chimichanga was the funnest word to say in the english language. I agreed.

    ...Oh. I completely forgot, and I couldn't yesterday (because of the forum crash.) I'll go look at it now.

    You have no idea. :D

    I would guess it would be... wait, you're already on the head?
    Not all of mine are. in fact, some of them are pretty entrtaining.


    *Keeps Running* Probably because the only thing you heard them say was "karpkarpmagikarp"! Mental Note: she can't hit you from here.

    I heard it somewhere, and it sounded funny. It used to be chimichanga.

    Yep. It was okay, but not really the style of music I listen to.

    Better than you could believe. It was AWESOME! We sang Carol Of The Bells!
    Try the other link.

    I never knew about Turbo, although he could be like buttersnack on a forum i used to use.

    Frosty the snowman is a zombie snowman borne of black magic and snow, he needs to eat children to stay alive through the summer. That's why we all wear pants, he can't stand the taste of them. Err, ah... I mean... ho ho ho?

    Meh, I'm looking forward to school next year, I've got some of my favourite classes.

    I wish i had caught that trapinch...

    ...Mr Fish?

    My teachers must have just been relentless, then.


    *Yells back* No, not particularly!! *KEEPS RUNNING*

    Well. mine is dipthong, for some reason.


    Not sure. I do know that "I Predict A Riot" Is by Kaiser Chiefs, though.

    I'll check it out.

    I have to go to bed, because I have a choir concert tommorow.
    *grumble mumble* Anyway, would you like to give me a hand with my forum RP?

    I would laugh if they quoted it in a 'What not to do' guide.


    What's creepy is how smart the girls here are. I'm top boy and about 11th overall. At least that was it last i checked.

    Meh, i spent four months trying to get a shiny rayquaza.

    It makes a microscopic germ look like a blue whale.

    Oooh, sounds good.
    Meh, I've lost all thoughts on what to post.

    Meh, it's bound to happen sometimes.


    at least she's not on pause.

    Heh, I've only ever seen two shinies and I train for hours in one spot.

    Microscopes make it look small.

    Yes... I look forward to reading it, and maybe you two could give me a hand planning this other thing I've got going. You don't have to. But yes we will work on this idea. I look forawrd to reading it.
    That really doesn't work out to well in my school, for some reason.


    O.O*RUNS. AGAIN.* Mental Note: Remember, magic is a bad thing

    Sadly, not surprising at all.

    That, and "Do you know your enemy, do you know the enemy (something I don;t remember) of the enemy wha-ey"

    (OMG WERE GON... wait, what's a gar?)

    But then it's so confusing. (are you still invisible?)
    That really doesn't work out to well in my school, for some reason.


    O.O*RUNS. AGAIN.* Mental Note: Remember, magic is a bad thing

    Sadly, not surprising at all.

    That, and "Do you know your enemy, do you know the enemy (something I don;t remember) of the enemy wha-ey"

    (OMG WERE GON... wait, what's a gar?)

    But then it's so confusing. (are you still invisible?)
    He did? Huh, I didn't see that.

    Huh, if it's half as weird as i think it is then i don't think i will.


    ...Wow, it doesn't even sound right...

    if you got it on lake rage or cloned it it doesn't count.

    ah, right. So i suppose that where his heart went, it flew into the sky.

    I've got a small idea, not very good for a collab. Although i am expanding it into a forum. It's a project.
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