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  • ...we need both.


    Well, when I moved here, I had been in a private school. they made me skip 7th grade (I should be in 8th right now.)

    Well, I'm not that used to going on field trips that much, so I really don't know.

    ...;-; *ouch* I said that wrong: I've heard a lot of songs, but my favorite is Eleanor Rigby.

    OMG I just found out that the president asked the Mythbusters to do a myth and it's on tonight at nine yay.[/run-on]
    Well, we have Lanyards. They're little neclaces with IDs we have to wear every moment of the day. It's horrible.


    What. That just doesn't make sense. Tape is not going to make people follow the rules. I act High-school age(normal high schooler) and I'm only 13. People have actually thought that I was 15.

    Well, that's good. We usually only take one bus when we go on field trips.

    Well, I only like one beatles song: Eleanor Rigby. But, they're a good band overall.
    That's just not right. (and I know for a fact it is illegal for a hidden camera to be in a locker room r bathroom. those rooms are safe.)


    Yeah, you'll find that as you go through the school system, everything starts to get more immature. (I heard that college students sometimes act like kindergarteners.)

    they sell chili beans at Mcdonalds?

    I just looked up one of their videos, and it wasn't that bad. (not my favorite, but I'd definetely choose it over any Disney-based band) Just remembered: I also want CDs for My Chemical Romance and a couple of Eminem's songs. (Love The Way You Lie being the main one). And a few of The Script's. And strangely, for some readon I want A CD of Queen, and the song Don't Stop Believin'. (I know they're old songs, but they tend to grow on me.)

    Also: Just suggesting a new band: If you like FOB and AAR, Panic! At The Disco might intrest you. EXAMPLE SONG
    Yes. One teacher has a camera in her room, and at some point in the year, she has to record one of our classes.


    Well, none of the kids in my school are innocent. XD But, some of them preffer not to cuss.

    I would think that. The ride home from a place and wherever you stop to eat are usually the most fun parts of a field trip. I'm actually all excited for this weekend, because I'm going to be in a christmas choir concert.

    I've never heard of the Gorrilaz, but Linkin Park is a good band. I want their new CD. (and anything by O.A.R., The All American Rejects, The Killers, Maroon 5 or One Republic.)
    Yeah, I know. many of the teachers in my school are really nosy.


    No, one student was yelling at another one as a part of a skit. there are a few friends I'm with who completely refuse to cuss, and people laugh at them when they do.

    How was the play? (and did you get to take your phone?)

    How about an IPod? or some CDs from your favorite bands?
    Well, that will happen. RANDOMSCHOOLSTORY: There's this one class in which it's very easy to text in (the teacher doesn't notice anything). But someone got caught. one of my friends said that the person would have had to text with their phone in the air to get caught.


    In my class, we were doing skits for To Kill A Mockingbird, and this one person laughed because he had to call someone the "son of a whore" (this is in High Scool, just so you know.)

    Well, if you have any bag you need to take something in, stick your DS in there (trust me, it works. I know from experience.)

    Nope. May I suggest... Oh, I don't know.... BLACK OR WHITE perhaps? or maybe Patrick's new album.
    Well, I haven't been that outspoken about it.


    Actually, I was thinking the exact same thing yesterday when I saw her at school. (I cuss all the time...just not on the forums. (except in RPs.))

    I just put it in my pocket. People think it's my wallet.

    Well, I knew, but it was so monumental good news that I couldn't pass it up. (maybe I can get Patrick's new album for my birthday... *begins to plot evilly*)
    yeah... same here. ):

    I forgot about it for about 8 months. XD

    Well.... I had fun and *GHASP* I danced, but... that girl who said she would go with me, and then said she couldn't, was there. I nearly cried. But, I forgot about it and had fun. (We're just no longer friends anymore...)

    Well, DSs are easy to hide.

    Yay! I just found out I turn 14 in two months and three days!
    You don't need a collab account; one makes the thread, then the other two ask a mod to be threadmins- mods for that certain thread.
    Hey, Silver. I'm dropping out of roleplays for a bit, but when I get back into it, Blade and I have been discussing working together one one, but then you came up. Blade said you have great roleplaying qualities, and if I discuss it with him, all three of us might be able to work together? How does that sound. I think it'd be kinda interesting.

    Also, I'm going to discuss it with Blade if he wants to make a collab account. (We'd need permission from Bachuru or Opal, if at all.) We would be able to use it just for roleplaying, and we'd all use it, enabling us all to edit the posts, such as fixing typos others missed, adding things, or adding members so it's not all stacked up on one person. (It happens when many people sign up at the same time. It's happened to me.)

    You want to do it?
    Well, sometimes I think I know too much. I could delve into a bunch of different things the average person doesn't know about them.

    I might get a new one. It just got very tedious to maintain.

    The very same.

    For some reason, I can never access the wi-fi when I'm there.
    I think he's like 26 or so. (wikipedia.) Do I seem like a fangirl? I just really like the band, that's all.

    I was inactive for too long. XD

    I have quite a bit, and I'm trying to be more social at school. I went to a dance this weekend.

    Lucky. We never have trips like that. *Grumblegrumble*
    And thinner, though. He's only about two years older.

    Yep. I'm gonna download it through my mom's (I used to have one, but got locked out of it.)

    Well, I think of myself the same way, but... *directs to the other 216 posts in this conversation.*

    I'm gonna be at school all day tommorow morning! D:
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