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  • Good! Well, there has been a lot going on... perhaps you could have them getting with the group in the cave or something? Honestly I haven't been paying attention to the other group, but there's a summary on the first page. I have! Poor Vriska, I never really hated her. BUT T3R3Z1!!! >:D

    Great! Well, summer will take some stress off you with no schoolwork, so maybe it will get even more good.
    Aaw, that's no fun. :c
    How did I forget to add you as a friend! Hi.

    (Also have you tried the browser-version of Y!M that might work)

    EDIT: Also you could stand to rename your Eevee
    Are you supposed to be out of school now? I think so, but I'm not sure. It'll be fun with you being more active again, with Sanctic and our battle! Also just general talking, along with Homestuck. :3 It's gotten to the point again that I don't understand what's happening unless I look it up, but I still enjoy it~

    So how's it going? x3
    OK, the real DQ warning. 24 hours, but probably, I'll extend it.

    Edit: Sorry, no warning. Didn't see your post in the Absence sheet.

    Well, vaporeon isn't really bad. Just not my favorite!

    Deino Munna
    D'aww! Everyone here's so friendly! x3 I'm Omskivar, but I go by just about whatever people want to call me. First time using this username actually, usually it's Alder, but that seems to be taken. Thanks for the warm welcome Silver!

    Stunfisk. Think I'm gonna change it due to the fact that no on can recognize the thing.
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