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  • My dad found out about #tcod D:

    I'm grounded from the computer except for school. D: (sneaking on right now)

    If I find my iPod, I'll be able to stay.
    Um... I'm leaving TCoD, see signature and usertitle.

    Happy early birthday. I'll be upset that I can't see Cloudy...(maybe I'll sneak on but idk)
    ...What? Whad'd I do?

    Anyhow...*shakes head out* Sorry for the late reply. I had three back-to-back concerts today and didn't get home until after bedtime.
    We need no more names.

    Okay. Too bad you can't enjoy the full extent, though.

    Until I use a move that linoone can learn but furret can't. However, I suppose to be true to the RP I could make Rebecca an Optimist (yes, capitalized) instead.

    DID SHE???

    Of course! Because they did everything in the first place!

    Oh. At least you have the computer, though!

    No! Potatoes!


    But it'll be like the ability illusion! They will never know.



    What does that mean?

    Oooooh. What am I thinking of now?
    Yes. It is.

    Oh. Are you going to be on Sunday?

    I'll name it Ziggy! And once they evolve I can have a sig attribute of them looking exactly like each other.

    :o? I just ignored the dream sequence for now. HER PAST ISN'T TRAUMATIC


    Sorry about the phone deal. Are you still going to be online? :(

    Also I just realized we posted at the exact same time. o.o
    Manigo Mahanigo Mangielle Mango?

    Friday would be great. And so would Saturday, because Sky will be here Saturday.

    Heh. I would like one, though! Maybe later, once I get some of other things. Because I have Rebecca.

    Uhh... how do you determine what to put in a dream and then how do you write it down?


    I don't know. Sorry. :(

    'Kay! Also, even though I do love furret, that hypothetical sentret was to choose between run away and adaptability. x3

    I don't know. But how do you write dreams. Tell me, Silver ;_; I am at a loss.

    Now to write the next post...
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