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    What do they let you do? o.o That... sounds like a really stupid rule, honestly.

    Heh. Well, at least you have money now! I collect the allowance, but I'm still poor.

    Oh! Hmm... what do you think could happen between them? Also, I can finally evolve. ^_^

    Gogogo linoone~!

    Coloring sheets? ... What about bringing a book or something?

    ... Oh, sorry about that.

    Well, I'm in the city group! So we can't do any plotting for now.
    Manigo Mangielle Mango the mango!

    Oh. What would you do all day?

    ... How'd you get money?

    Oh, you're getting back in Sanctic! Awesome! But you're in the forest group, aren't you. :/
    All right then, understood! Go ahead and announce that you're rejoining in the thread, and the date you'll be gone and such, and I'll re-add you.
    If they do, then ask them yourself!

    Yeah! I mean, technically, three weeks haven't passed since you've posted. So you're in the clear. Also, I now keep a summary of the plot in the first post. So if you get too lost, you can just check that out. Although for more character-driven moments, you might have to read the posts themselves.
    Ah, that's fine. And I don't think it'll be turning into a fanfic anytime soon... it seems sort of pointless, as I said, anyway.

    Perhaps you could come back? I still have your level and EXP and everything! You could just have a small hiatus or something until school calms down. I believe summer's coming soon, isn't it? Won't you have plenty of time then?
    Mango the mango? :o

    Aww. If you don't fail can you try to skip school or something?

    Okay. I get the allowance almost immediately, actually. But back with the old system I always forgot. :(
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