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  • I will sometimes.

    Might start roleplaying here again, as Pokeboard^ doesn't have many that interest me that aren't already sixty pages through.

    I just hope my block is gone, though.
    ...................................................................... IT'S NOT BAD

    .............. .......... ......... ... .................................... what?


    All right, let's start.

    First of all, suicide is never the answer. You may not think it, but it will hurt many, many, many people if you do that, and suicide just isn't good for you as a whole. We love you, Silvy, and we won't let you forget that. You're too precious and dear to our hearts. For Pete's sake, I consider you to be a real-life sister, Silvy. Your death would crush me. But not only me; it would hurt everyone else. You may think that suicide is the way out of your pain, but please, it's not good. As for the bullies, I know how hard it is to do so, but try and ignore them. I know from experience how hard it is to ignore bullies, but if you try you can. If the ignoring doesn't work, tell teachers, principals, and if you school has one, tell the school's police. Don't worry about being a snitch or whatever, because they shouldn't be doing that to you. If the bullying doesn't subside, then it's time to stand up to them and tell them off. Maybe even transfer schools. And about your mom, as many other people have said, try and talk to her. If she threatens you like that all the time, then I know this is going to be hard, but you need to call someone. You're a growing child, and you should not have to deal with this. And you know what? I have no idea what you look like. But I can tell you one thing; even without looking at you, I know for a fact that you are beautiful, both inside and out. Don't you dare let anyone tell you otherwise. Listen, Silvy. You're only thirteen. These are not good living conditions for someone of your age, or any age for that matter. You need to put a stop to this. The best would be to tell teachers about the bullies, talk to your mother, if she keeps threatening you, call the police, and always remember how gorgeous you are.

    You're too precious and important to have to go through all this. You don't deserve this kind of treatment.
    ...Silvy? I read the thread. I-I want to talk to you about it, if that's fine with you?
    One doctor survived this pandemic!

    heyyyy where are you on Messenger :c



    Inventory: (M) Blastoise, (M) John Egbert (Ducklett), (F) Buizel, (F) Golduck, (F) Marill, (M) Gyarados, Water Stone, Damp Rock, Indigo Balls x6

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