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  • I really am not sure what to say about you.

    OK, can we do it now? Jus' gimme a sec to transfer.
    ...OK! So, let's make a time for this trade. I'll just give it to you on B/W, if that's okay. Is your FC the one in the Unova Clan still?

    XTRASPESHL (Heheh x3. Is it changed now? Rose is now going to either be a vulpix or a mienshao, but if she ends up being a vulpix the mienshao is going to just be Apocalypse or Arisen (for pre-Sgrub alive Aradia. Volcarona is going to be God Tier Aradia). Ah, okay.)


    Same with me.

    I like to eat it slowly x3
    UH HUH GIRLFRIEND *z-snap*

    ....................................................................... Then a lot of Ditto Spam

    Well, now that I have 2 DSes I can do both—which game would you prefer to EV-train the thing in?
    (She punched me. In the face. No way. I'm going to dodge when I feel like posting.)

    *separates* idk my bff jill
    Ah. Well, just tell me in advance the next time you feel like you can do it.

    Again, are you okay with getting it on a 4th gen. game, or should I transfer it to B/W?
    I'll see if I can get you a calm one, or timid.

    Out of curiosity, how exactly does one take your wi-fi away? Did she just turn off the router or something?
    Sorry, I meant Male Jolly. ^^

    Anyway, I'd be happy to give you one for free whenever you have the chance. 'you have any particular requested nature? They're all level 1.
    ...I have about seventy-eleven on my Diamond. You want one? Or else I could transfer it first.

    Do you have a male Adamant one?
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