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  • Calm down D:

    Okay, so uh, you've got to somehow move his bone into a safe position :I

    OH this is important: Is it a clean break or is it shattered??
    I could just go search for emergency vet numbers for you, if you want. You're in NC, right?
    ...:c oh

    Okay. If it's not bleeding, then the only worry is infection.

    Um...can your phone access Google or other search engines? Try to look up emergency vet phone numbers from there D:

    He may have gotten hurt outside, then D:

    Calm down!! D:

    what about your dad? :C

    How badly is it bleeding, if any?? How distorted is your cat's leg?

    And how did he break it??? D:

    there should be like some emergency vet-person you can just talk to without the cost. LOOK IT UP :c
    Hi, Silver.

    Sorry for not being able to talk. Homework and all. I'm going to be extremely busy for the next couple of weeks, I have about four projects due within 12 days.

    But, I will try and talk as much as possible. (And get your battle reffed.)

    call your parents or something and in the meantime try looking up things and try to bandage it up D:

    SPESHUL. (He's somewhere in Castelia. I keep forgetting exactly where he is too xD. That one's good, which game is it on?)


    Streets Run Red? Last time I checked it had new posts. Are you sure it's dead?

    Sawing the bunny in half... I'll have to try that sometime.
    |..| (-_-) |..|

    ...*pokes lower back* /DAMMIT.

    ... *is confused* *It hurt itself in its confusion*.



    :y (I have been at my friends place for two days, no time to write. I'll let you know once I've done more.)
    True, insane people never do come up with the best ideas. They do cause a whole lot of chaos. And I'd mostly use one for those purposes too, although I'd often have it on stand-by because I'm really lazy and impatient with puzzles and such.

    Nope, we never shall... one of those mysteries of life, like what the meaning is.

    Oh, yes! I just noticed that now, so sorry, you're at level 4. It got a bit of my interest in as well... I was kinda inactive in the RP section before and wanted to make one that was as active as the ones back in old times.

    ...*pokes fringe* /TOO BAD

    ...*walks away slowly*...



    :[ (Did you not get the email? I sent you the first 4/5 pages.)
    I completely forgot about that request since the system restore.
    One Mienfoo avatar coming up shortly!

    YESH. AWSUM 2. ('A'ahaha. Well, you can always go to the name rater. Also, I'm breeding vulpix, and one of them will be Rose Lalonde.)


    ... What RP? xD Speaking of RP's, in the Streets Run Red one I've had my form finished for a week now (and I've said so, too!) and Thorn Rhinestone has pretty much completely ignored my form. If there's something wrong, say so! At this point I'm pretty much past joining, though. :/ The RP went on without me.

    You don't? :O
    Sorry for not replying. HOMEWORK.
    I don't celebrate Easter much, so, nothing much.
    There was a headless mouse in our backyard. ;-;
    There's also a bird's nest somewhere in there too.
    Yeah, I got you confused with Sweet Silver Nightmare. That challenge is fine, then.
    Oh, you mean KOing them! I thought you meant in the story, he was trying to kill her. XD Yeah, he did target her a lot. And maybe... he wanted to destroy it because he thought there was no other way and he wanted to put everyone out of their misery or something. Ah, I dunno, either way, not a good idea. ...I use a walkthrough! Does that make ME a cheater? I think most people do that nowadays!

    I think they are... you see many pyreflies throughout the game, mostly near water.

    Ahaah, really? I'm glad to hear that! :> I'm glad to hear my RP has rejuvenated interest in RPing, that was what I was aiming for.
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