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    No...? Which forum is it? Creed told me about another forum, but not which one exactly.
    Make sure to fill in that the user Cypher referred you, if you join. Extra PD for both.

    Oh, and the members get excited over new people- you'd be getting a warm welcome.
    I'm not really active here as much anymore... I'm active in another forum. PM me if you want to check it out (so I'm not breaking any rules, of course). It's a new forum, and I'm holding a Spriting contest. I need MOAR spriters.

    Small? Yes. Weak? Not so much. Some think I am strong, I am not.

    None of them are very appealing to me at the moment. I'm also not in the mood to roleplay for the moment. Maybe once I get my mind back up and running.

    ...The long metal pole supporting this section of the cave? *chomp* Tastes like Strawberries!

    Yeah. Although some have unusual series of events. One becomes evil because of music. That one was interesting.

    (Heh. Heheh. Heheheh. I love three piece puzzles. They're fun for various times!) Bahahah. Nice rationing of the drink!

    I'm very proud (damn, I guess I owe cloud five bucks then...) Huh? Wha...? No! That was nothing, just ignore it. Hey! Stop reading it! NOOOOOO!

    I do too... Although they are all small and weak except for one. He has a few temper issues.

    That, I would enjoy.

    Awww... That was my last donut. *chompychompchomp*

    Nice! That is quite helpful in everyday life. As long as it doesn't watch any rogue robot movies you guys should live through to July!

    (Understandable. They're the only things that challenge me anymore. Even in Portal 2 the puzzles are mostly easy for me.) Heh. Me and my friend with the same name as me have the same reaction to energy drinks.

    I called it a while ago, back at new years. I bet that thread was funny to read.

    I did that in year 8. It saved me from two years of bullying because everyone's still scared of me. I don't recommend it though.

    It might be, you never know.

    Oi! This is a brand new jacket! *chomp*

    Lucky him, I've missed a few episodes due to us living in the middle of nowhere and our recordings cut out.

    (Heh, I thought you'd say that.) I have a similar problem with energy drinks, they tire me out.

    Ah, (belated) Congratulations. I still lurk from time to time. Just ran out of steam for myself. And schoolwork piled on.
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