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  • lol, I have a bad habit of playing multiple games at once x.x I still have like 4 RPGs to beat >.>

    But nice. You do have my sympathy for Marvel vs. Capcom 2, but Samurai Shodown, Prince of Persia, and Ninja Gaiden more than make up for it. Dunno about the other three, since I haven't played Shaolin Monks yet, but my friend tells me it's the best 2 player co-op game ever made, after Marvel Ultimate Alliance. And then I don't play racing games unless it's Burnout xD

    I can't remember what I had on my DS... At least not everything, but I know I had;
    Tales of Hearts Anime Movie Edition
    Tales of Innocence
    Star Force 3 Black Ace
    Star Force 2 Zerker X Ninja
    Kirby Super Star Ultra
    Knights in the Nightmare
    Megaman Battle Network 5 Double Team DS
    all three Castlevanias
    all three Spyro games
    Kirby Canvas Curse
    Ninja Gaiden DS
    and Suikoden Tierkries

    hehe, which ones did your sister put in? And did you like any of them when you tried'em?
    Its not hacking, I downloaded charachters other people made and putting them in it. And its not an illegal rom. Its freeware. Anyway:
    I....uh.....dont watch those ^^;; any way I was working on sonic robo blast 2. I wasn't really trying to reprogram it I just couldn't think of a better word.I was trying to add charachter wad files so I could play as more than just sonic, knuckles and tails. Now I can play as shadow, amy, blaze, and even yoshi! anyway, coyote or wolf?
    I'm back! and I fixed that sonic game I was working on. I figured out how to add .wad files. Now, Mole or Badger?
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