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  • Eeeeeep!
    You..you ok-
    *turns into Frost Rotom and bblasts Blizzard afte rBlizzard*\

    (Butbutbutb ROAD TRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPDDDD88888888888888888888888888)
    Gaah grittygritty.
    Ominous Wind!

    (good? Nononononoooo, this is tem times better then good. Part of my bloody LIFE is back. Now if only Notory'll come back....;~;)
    heh, playing Knights in the Nightmare alongside Disgaea probably wouldn't be a good idea. Knights in the Nightmare has a really good story, and somewhat complicated play style, and it has a ridiculous difficulty curve that just seems to shoot up with every boss fight you get to (I remember I was stuck on one boss fight for a week after it came out, cause he had the ability to attack my units directly, and primarily went for Maria. And if she dies; game over. It took me forever to get used to that, and learn how to effectively move her around with her attacks to dodge other attacks.) and Disgaea just has a ton of crap to do, outside of the story and grinding your character's levels up to 9999. Heh, I haven't even bothered getting Disgaea DS, since I already played the PSP version.

    Speaking of Disgaea, I just recently 'got' Disgaea 2 Portable (Modded PSPs are the shit); complete with a couple of features from Disgaea 3 <3 I normally don't care about downloadable content, but the stuff they have for Dark Hero Days is fun; Pram from Makai Kingdom, Marona and Ash from Phantom Brave, and Dark Eclair from La Pucelle, and another one from a future title. I got Marona and Ash, just cause I loved Phantom Brave so much.

    You really don't need Japanese to understand anything; if you've played Elite Beat Agents, they're basically saying the same things. The only difference between the two is that the Japanese version has the better soundtrack. By a longshot. No, not by a Long Shot, by a Double Clawshot.

    Ahh, I think the CycloDS has dropped in price since then, hey, it's a Christmas present =D I use R4DS, which, even though at this point, is obsolete (It came out like... A little more than 2 years ago), it's cheap, idiot proof, and still very reliable. I bought the card myself with some of my birthday money back in May, and I went and bought an 8GB microSD card at the store to use with it xD 2GB of games is not enough for me. I need to fill it up, and have a ton of games xD I think the biggest game I have is Tales of Hearts Anime Movie Edition, using up a whopping 256 MB of space; it's space that doesn't need to be used, cause I own the game, but carrying the boxes for my games is very irritating. What other games do ya have for yours?
    w00t! Hopefully Jet Set Radio Future is one of those burned Xbox games; it's probably one of the best games ever made, along with Shenmue 2.

    I didn't get around to getting Star Force 3 till yesterday, cause I wanted to beat the Spyro games for the DS. But I just started playing Black Ace. It's cool how it lets you save two files instead of one, just like Battle Network 5 Double Team. Are you able to play over Wi-Fi? If so, we gotta Bro' it up with the BroBand! I just won't be able to do anything 'till I get home in a week or so ;_; since my Dad won't give me the WEP key for his wireless internet ;~; So I can't even play Echoes of Time with my friend. I also just started playing Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan!, since I played the English version, and didn't really like the soundtrack x.x What kind of flash cart are you using? I just got me an R4 recently, cause they're dirt cheap now.

    Oh yeah, and have you played Knights in the Nightmare yet?
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