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  • Ahh, yeah not having enough for new games always makes it a bit difficult to buy new ones. At the very least though you could always try to get a job if you don't have one yet; it helps the family with the bills, even if you hardly make any money at the job, but you also get a bit of your own spending money. It's a nice feeling to be able to make money without having to rely on certain factors, y'know?

    Well, at least the original Xbox is still fun =3 What games d'you have for it?

    Haha, an hour? That's better than me; last night I was trying to make a post in an RP, and it took me an hour to think up 5 sentences xD Granted it was 2AM, but still...

    Legendia was fun =O Had amazing music too. 'Special DS cart'? Might you be speaking of the flash cart, like R4, and M3? If so, those are awesome <3
    I just filled up on pizza...3 slices...I'm full. Anyway I'm a semi-vegetarian. I only eat chicken and turkey. so neither. Orange juice or lemonade? (lemonade FTW!!)
    ...Pokemon canbend like that-oh god the sounds o.e

    (Ditto. I don't really care for anyone much, cept for *insewer three family memebers here*, and Mike and Notory are...welp, as colse to a friend I'll ever get to.)
    Heck yeah! ^^

    (I dunno. But, she did say she'll be back...maybe she's tired or something, give her time -.-
    ...but I misses her toooooooooooooooo ;-;)
    Yeah, I'm the same way with games; ever heard of Drakengard? Almost everyone hated that game, but I loved it to death, for its bizarre storyline and characters, and depressing or WTF endings, and the inspiration it drew from Panzer Dragoon for the Sega Saturn.

    But, oh man, you haven't played Wild Arms or anything out of Shin Megami Tensei? Shadow Hearts is quite awesome too, but they're hard to find; I had to go hunting in five different Gamestops and Play 'N Trade's before I finally found all three complete. Now I just need Koudelka and I'll have every game in the series =3 You should try playing them sometime. Star Ocean's pretty fun, and when you play any of them, you can really tell that tri-Ace is made up of former Telenet Japan/Wolf Team employees.

    Isn't Tales awesome though? Up to this point, my favorites are Vesperia, and Rebirth... Vesperia for it's awesome characters, and subtle development, and Repede, and Rebirth.... Is just awesome. What're your favorite Tales games?
    I'm not exactly sure. I guess I'm just not too fond of the visual style, and story never interested me. The gameplay was interesting, and fun, and I probably would've liked it if it had a story that had grabbed me, but the visual style didn't quite do it for me; I didn't really feel like it complemented the atmosphere.

    Plus, I can't stand Kingdom Hearts for some reason that's unknown, even to me, so anything by the team that made it is nearly all the way down the drain for me. When it comes to RPGs, you've got me with Tales, Wild Arms, anything by tri-Ace, Valkyrie Profile and Star Ocean in particular (Radiata Stories was cool though), MegaTen and Shadow Hearts. And practically anything NIS America brings over.
    lol, provided I don't end up with an on-site technician job, or one as a help-desk technician, I'll be just fine not being social at work; I'm looking to get a job as a bench technician, so if I do, I'd just be sitting in the back of a room when someone comes and dumps a tower or something in front of me and says, "We don't know what's wrong with it. So fix it." xD
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