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  • Ah. I have different names I use too.
    On most sites I use Pokemonaholic, which is what most people know me as. And sometimes I'm known as Kirby Warrior. In fact, I've been thinking about changing my Tcod name to Kirby Warrior.
    XD XD XD

    That was the coolest self-conversation I've ever read. ^^


    Well, not scarred, exactly, but a few things were a bit disturbing...my musical theater teacher is really quirky, so when she told us the day before that she'd found out it was a play not quite suitable for school she laughed really hard. She's awesome like that. But yeah, some extremely adult humour was involved. And at one point a guy's trying to act like a disgusting, mentally ill brother of the other main character so the second one doesn't have to get married...he gropes himself. -shudders- That was basically it, but for a few lines that were disturbing and hilarious at the same time, but that was a part that I looked away at. =/

    But it really was an amazing show. =) At one point this clutzy, sunny girl from America (as the story takes place in France) arrives, and during her entrance number the four male ensemble members do a canon in which they pleace their foot on top of a piece of luggage. Anyway, just as the fourth guy does there's a loud bark coming from the tiny bag under his foot. Everyone stares as he picks up the box, staring at it in horror, and ever so slowly walks off. xD Then the energetic number picks up right where it left off. =D
    Hello there!

    I happened to stumble upon a picture of my favourite comic....

    (better see it in scyther-slash mode since it's black)

    Here's a detailed biography of said characer+comic: Link

    That's how I feel right now
    I'll try, but my online friends are limited. Actually, it's pretty much just you. ^^;; However, if I get an opportunity I'll try to spread the word.

    Today I saw a musical called Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. And while some of the lines and actions have scarred me for life, the acting and plot were AMAZING. AMAZING. AMA- *shot* Yeah. Con-men get conned by an adorable, lovable character who's just acting and you have no idea the whole time until the end. It was awesome. =) Plus it was hilarious -best lines ever.
    Eh, Filipino people usually have black hair, so it was more of an inference. ;D

    Ugh, good luck. Tests suck. Well, projects suck more, but exams are annoying.
    Gah, my iPod won't let me load the video. I'll try again on my computer later.

    Ooh! Cool! I think my mom's cousin is running with the torch in Winnipeg, for, like, 500m. xD And my band is doing something to do with the torch in January...I think.

    I tend to picture people as their avatars, honestly. I mean, I don't imagine your face as a Jolteon right now, but when I think of you I think of your avatar. Black hair comes to mind, but that's as specific as it gets, real-life-wise.
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