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  • Now I just need an ending. And an actual middle. D:

    Rachel sang "Don't Rain On My Parade". I think. Yeah. I love that song too!

    Again? Skroy, you need to make up your mind. =/

    Yayayayay I went to Olympics rehearsal today. And I'm really really really tired. You will never forget February 28, 2010. Ever. Watch it. =)
    I tend to come up with plots by writing them down, oddly. 'Kay, so the guy...for now, let's say he needs a Phione Dew to cure a sick family member or something (like in PMD2). And Andrew happened to be researching that. So they'll go to Cianwood. And unlock a mystical door of great power. Yeah.

    Basically, it's what the person's true motive is, I guess. Wait... *checks dictionary* I was a bit off - the definition of ulterior: "Lying beyond what is evident, revealed, or avowed, especially being concealed intentionally so as to deceive (an ulterior motive)." My brain understands, my processor/explainer doesn't. =)

    ...again? xD Well, I never heard the first plot, so go ahead. And if you want me to beta I promise I will.

    oh...i see ur point....

    dont worry, i dont kno how to upload pics to my comp either :)
    Yeah, I have no plot after the kidnapping because I don't want to have a typical trainer fic...maybe they're threatened and have to travel around with their kidnapper pretending to be trainers? In disguise, so their friends/family don't recognise them? But why...that's the problem.

    EDIT: Wait...maybe Andrew was researching something that the kidnapper needs to know - like some sort of pattern to a lock or something. And they have to go to, like, Ecruteak or Goldenrod or Cianwood. And...we still need that ulterior motive. What would he gain from it? Money? Power to restore a loved one to life? Etc?

    And of course, Flora is the poor girl who's there at the wrong time and can't be released now because she's seen the man's face and Andrew has told her the man's plans.
    Here, have some crappy medicine to make it better~ OH CRAP, THAT WAS LEAD PAINT. Oh well. .3.
    XD Thanks~

    My birthday is too close to the beginning of the school year, [They're both in August.]
    so I had to repeat Kindergarten. Otherwise, I would be in seventh~ But I probably wouldn't have had as much of an awesome, yet suckish, experience, if I wasn't~
    Nope, though my friend Isabelle would disagree. She had a conversation with a guy sitting across from her today in math since we were done. It involved ninjas, and at one point she drew a ninja. The guy argued that ninjas can't be seen and said his ninja ( blank piece of paper) was better. So she drew a tree. =/

    Uh, back on topic. It's ten/twenty years after the time of the games in Johto, and ten-year-olds have the option to go on their journey or go to one of the many specialty schools scattered across Johto for four years first. Flora, a bright but childish girl, is an aspiring researcher/breeder and has gone to the school in New Bark Town. It's her 14th birthday and she's going to the lab to get her starter. Her good friend Andrew (20) who had beat her to her dream of being heir to the lab because she was too young, is missing when she arrives. She gets kidnapped. Then... It's kind of sketchy after that. I'm thinking that they are both taken to some other building and held there because the guy who attacked them wants information that they have/wants to use their intelligence to help him figure out a problem.

    He wants to get legendary Pokemon or get the right combination of Pokemon and moves to destroy... Something. Or maybe he's making a machine that will let him control/catch many Pokemon at once - like a trainer-oriented ranger styler? Yeah, that's all I have.
    Meh, I don't need one- They were stupid mistakes, and it's because I missed 5/12, though it was graded like it was 5/15~ I may be a violinist, artist, or graphics designer~

    I'm only in sixth grade. ;_;
    Nononononono! Gah, I lost my message because I pressed the wrong button. I'll just summarize it, then:

    I am impatient, too.

    45 minutes is a lot all in one chunk.

    You're my best buddy too!

    And I have a new plot bunny that I wanna share but am too lazy to retype it so I'm waiting for you to reply to get me motivated. Snuck up outta nowhere...ninja bunny.
    Kernel.. I like that better. :F

    Yay, I've been counting down for sometime now.. for.. some... reason. :'D

    Meh, so-and-so. Got a crappy grade on a math test. >.< (Sixty-seven percent. ;.;)
    No, you're not obsessive. =) You're totally normal; I'm the weird one.

    We're doing swing dancing in school. =D It was actuqlly fun, even though dancing with the opposite sex was awkward. I managed to get the moves, and the only thing I didn't like was that they two guys I danced with wouldn't stay on beat with the music. =/ Overall it was fun. How goes your ballroom? (Technically, how is the stuff you can talk about?)

    It's a fun game. I'm still inside Peach's castle as Bowser, right after jumping and attaching the pihrana flowers, so I'm not quite done, but I liked traversing his body. It was cool, unique, awesome... And Dr. Toadley and Luigi make me laugh. =D

    I like saying onomatopoeia, but it's one of the few words I know that I can't spell. :S

    Oh, and I'm still confused. D:
    Oops. I've been feeling lazy and unmotivated lately, so I haven't been replying. I totally forgot that it might imply that something was wrong...I'm sorry! Don't worry, you're fine. ^^;;

    NaNoWriMo was...good but bad. I made more progress than I would have, but still only got out about 5000 words. =/ Oh well. At least I made some progress in the first place! =D

    And just a random note, I happened upon your art thread last month and noticed that you drew Chippy/Starlow, which pretty much made my day.
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