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  • My sister was chatting with me, my parents creeped up behind her and asked who I was.

    Trouble! ASAP!

    Break our friendship on Facebook, quickly. We'll fix it later. My dad has found out.
    Yeah. We joined... when, May? We've become best friends and companions. I don't regret a moment.
    Heh, don't ask me what I was thinking. But because you said you like it, I won't change it.

    Eh, some parts are hard and some aren't. It's mostly just remembering what comes next. And I'm jealous of your waltz lessons! I've always kinda wanted to try ballroom.


    I…yeah. Basically. That's why I find it hard to have a fair perspective on marks - mine and others'. For example, when people are overjoyed to get B's. I know that they probably don't get them often or have never gotten an A or something, and I do my best to gain perspective, but it still slightly confuses my odd brain. =/


    Okay: In the first book, Bella and Edward meet and get to know each other and fall in love and all that. In the second Edward leaves and Bella spends her time with Jacob, who is also in love with her. At the end, however, Bella is given an opportunity to ge back to Edward and does so. Then in the next book it's a lot of the two guys clashing and trying to make her choose between them.

    My story: Holly/Grovyle meet, and become friends after a rough patch. They trust each other and all that. Then they're separated and Holly stays at the guild with a Charmander named Riley and he manages to get her to soften up. They are friends but eventually they meet up with Grovyle and Holly returns to him, leaving Riley feeling betrayed. After a time the three are forced to work together to survive in the future and save the world. She is constantly put in situations in which she is asked to choose between the guys.

    Yeah. It's scarily similar, although most of the rest of the details are different…but Bella, when put through the painful transformation into a vampire, doesn't make a sound or move because she doesn't want Edward to know the extent of her suffering. Holly doesn't liketo show pain/weakness for her pride - and also so her friends won't be concerned. I don't know if my subconscious did this or if it's pure coincidence… yeah. Just a bit scared.


    Guess what? I get to perform in the Olympic Closing Ceremonies! =D Unfortunately I can't tell you anything else because the ceremony's supposed to be a surprise… but I'm really excited.
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