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  • Similarity #… *checks* 16: We are couch potatoes. =D

    Math honours is fun, but english honours is tough. My teacher gives a lot of homework normally, and I don't do well with homework. =/ Plus they don't get shown or credited in your report card… but I'm probably going to stay in them anyways.

    In the song it's painful, yes. After every take I would sit and rest my legs. >_< But it is a lot of sitting as well; I just have to stay low to the ground and look monkey-like. Unfortunately, doing dance moves does not invole sitting. I was happy when the class switched casts in practice because I'md either get to do simpler choreography or rest my legs.

    Oh…yeah, that was confusing. Okay, as the magic carpet she does about five cartwheels in a row, then does some lifts and stuff with the Genie, then has a dance solo, then joins the group. In the other cast she has to do all of the stuff that almost everyone else does. She gets to do a lot, but she has half the time to learn and perfecy it since she can't do two routines at once.

    That was my last two weeks, but this week I'm not too overloaded. Just cooking something that'll take about ten minutes, making a casserole recipe (which is basically throwing a bunch of ingredients together), and doing questions on casseroles and the industrial revolution. And we had a math testtoday, which was nice.

    On the other hand, I got my report card today. I got a B in Social Studies/Humanites but apparently I should have got an A; he just couldn't mark an assignment on time to add it in… what I wanna know is if he took it out of the grading syatem altogether or just gave me 0 or if he took it out but took a few percent off for lateness (even though it was only late because I was away…) So I'll have to talk to him. And I got B inband, but she says that she marks really hard the first report so we have room to grow. =/ Amd I got a B in PE… which I'm not too sure about… I'm just weirded out because it's my first report card in over a year without straight A's. >_< But I'll get it by the report that counts, the end of the semester. I hope.

    …I've been noticing some strange connections between my story and the Twilight saga…have you read the books? If not, do you mind spoilers? I don't think you would, but I gotta check.
    the "ugh" is there because I, unfortunately, never really had a real aprt in my exact birthday, only(and usually) a few weeks/one week later.

    Might press a little, errm, tour out of my parents though.
    Not really, althuogh i hoped I could chat with my family. And my grounding has been freed, and the muscle aches I had in my legs are also over. A good day, overall.

    And the biggest thing im going to do will be in december. Ugh...
    Hey there! And thanks.

    Edit:Today I was wierded out in school because lots of people from my class and the one I used to be in(moved from 8'B to 8'A) said me happy birthday and stuff, even someone I hate that bad I'd like to spin his neck.
    Strange yet nice day!
    And my little bro got obssesed with the super mario bro's my friend gave me as a birthday gift. Strangely enough.
    Lemon merengue pie is good. =D I haven't had one in a long time. I usually use my time for the Internet and video games, being the massive couch potato that I am. =/ Eh, it's fun.

    …So you missed half of the test? Ouch. >_> Unless of cource you mean the lettered sub-questions (a, b, c…) in which case that isn't quite as bad. And hey, in my school's grade system you got a B, which is…not the best, but satasfactory for most. Okay, so getting a B when you should get an A sucks, but at least you didn't fail. =D

    Pwning the math people is fun. =) It feels so good to look at the posted marks for honours and find that my score is second highest in the class. Admittedly, because it is the honours class, I'm only a few percent over a bunch of them, and only one got under 86%, but it's nice nonetheless.


    Fast choreography is fast. >_< We're doing the Genie's song "Friend Like Me" in Aladdin, despite not having learned the vocals yet. Unfortunately, as we're magical beings with masks in an uptempo song, the choreography is nearing ridiculously confusing. (And no, that sentence made no sense.) But we have masks, top hats and canes. We have to move fast and look flawless and grin the whole time. =/

    Plus I only had half the time to learn it because I had to learn Abu's part - and no, being a monkey is nowhere near as easy as it sounds. I have to attempt to copy everyone else while crouched down so I'm not taller than my buddy who plays Aladdin, which resulted in me falling over a lot, especially when trying to turn around. But during a cancan-ish part, I copy the movements of everyone's legs with my hands/paws, which I find mildly humourous.

    And that's nothing compared to my friend Nicole - she's the carpet and has a short dance solo on top of tricks with the genie on top of joining us at the end of the number - on top of doing what we have to do as narrators in the other cast. I feel really bad, but she's a really good dancer, so she should be fine. =D
    Agh, the whole site's been down for days. I'm hoping that that held true for everyone and my computer wasn't just acting up…man, I missed the forum. =(

    But…if I agree the kitty will go on a rampage and slice me to bits! D= No trading at the moment. xP

    4 hour breaks sound good. I mean, being there from early until six is bad, but breaks are very good. While you should enjoy them…don't emulate me and do your work! It's worth it - a fact I've learned many times over recently. =( My English teacher gives large amounts of homework, and her projects take hours of deep thought/typing. I much prefer math. You can do it almost without thinking, and the numbers are either right or wrong; you don't have to worry about if it's good enough. But I'm really mad at my friend because even after more quizzes and tests, we've both dropped .1% sohe's beating me by .2% just like he was last month. -.- I'll get him by the end of the semester…

    How does missing three questions take away 30%? Were there only ten or so questions on the test?

    I'd love to read your essay. =) I've been feeling more critical lately - though I'm not sure that's a good thing - and it would be good to use it somehow.

    >_< You get such a long break! I have a two-week Christmas break, but then the semester continues until the end of January. =( I guess college has its quirks. /jealousy
    I REFUSE TO TRADE. =D We still have a show left to do, and I'd rather not have college workload quite yet.

    They're just…so good at what they do. Joseph has this heart-melting smile when he sees the kids choir for the first time, and whenever he looks at you you always believe whatever emotion he's trying to convey. And he has a strong voice, too. And the Narrator is really good at grabbing the interest of the audience and doing little quirky things, and she is a really good actress and singer as well. My mom has compared her to Julie Andrews from The Sound of Music. =) The two of them each came into our choir area and took pictures with us as a group, and they're all going to sign posters which will be handed out to us at some point when they're done. And I got a picture with a man who plays one of the brothers and is also one of my theater teachers. He's really huggable and funny, and I like him a lot.

    Now that I'm finished with my life story… xD Homework really sucks when you have a lot…but I don't think I've ever fallen asleep in class or a test. That sucks! =( Were you able to stay late and finish the calculus test or did you have to hand it in unfinished?
    I've just missed about a week of school including that test, and I go back tomorrow. Oh, how fun it will be to catch up… -_-

    Yeah, hi. My weekend's been busy but so fun that I wouldn't trade it for the world. The actors and actresses are amazing, I've already gotten about half of their signatures on a program, and the two leads as well as the men who play the brothers are now my role models (to a degree). =D It's really inspiring to be able to see this show, and to be a part of it and be able to talk to the actors makes it 100x better.

    And I'm really starstruck by most of them. I've hugged the two leads once each, and both have looked specifically at me onstage (because they each have a song in which they wander among our little clumps and sing/smile at a few people. And it's different every show, so if you get looked at during the show it makes you feel amazing. The guy who plays Joseph has a way of making you feel special when he notices you. =)

    I like Bust Your Windows, Defying Gravity, Taking Chances, Sweet Caroline, I Can't Fight This Feeling, and the two mash-ups. But they're all so good… I don't know how they got such a good cast together.

    Haha, today I logged onto Facebook and there was an advertisement for the French version, and it said something along the lines of, "Friend your friends in Quebec and other French-speaking countries" or something. My eyes stopped at Quebec and for a delerious moment I thought Facebook was stalking me. xD But yeah, it would be easier to keep private and only friend real-life friends on FB.
    Did you get my request? If not, look me up under Scyther Smith.

    (Which is only used because I don't want my parents to find out I have one.)

    And hey, now you can see a couple pictures of me. Oh, and be aware that I will only be on that at my mom's house, because my dad won't let me on. Meh.
    This will be fun and hard, because I'm sorta quiet, but I think I should be able to get the hang of it. I thought of Sparks' name; suddenly it appeared in my head. That's what most of my ideas do. ^^

    Yeah, this time I think I will actually study for math for the first time in my life (possibly the second or third) because I don't want to drop to, like, tenth out of less than thirty in marks.

    "Nerdlets." xD Even though it's been on for only two months I can't even remember some of the first episodes because so much happens in each one. Was it a short-haired, blond woman? She's one of the funniest characters on the show. =) I honestly don't know the station. >_> We have a PVR/DVR, so we just tell it to record and it records on Wednesday nights. *goes to check* Uh…there are a billion channels it's on, but the one we watch is "KCPQ" which I've never even heard of. ^^;

    If I were born a boy I'd be less into music for sure and I would have different friends and different views and might possibly write and probably wouldn't know you. =( Basically I'd be a whole different person. I don't know if I would have even been in a musical by now, or in choir! =( That makes me sad. I am happy to be a girl at the moment.
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