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    And they're all supercalifragilisticexpealadocious.

    Now let me get them to you.. tomorrow. Though my profile picture and signature are some of my more recent works.
    Oh, I see.

    Actually, I distribute the eggs. This is all my creation, so you can just get the egg from me. It's not a site or anything- Just a neat little.. thing I made up. :D
    Whoops, my computer was going slow. [O.O];

    Anways, onto the egg.

    Every week, five Igglix eggs will be given out to anyone who wants one.
    They will hatch into one of six forms; 2nd Generation, 3rd Generation, 4th Generation, or any of those three Generation's shiny forms.
    I don't like the whole in-your-face view, but other than that, it's nice~ <3

    Oh, and if you liked Igglix, my avatar, then you could hatch one of your own. 2/5 eggs have been given away this week. If you'd like, I could explain the whole thing to you.
    I don't like the whole in-your-face view, but other than that, it's nice~ <3

    Oh, and if you liked Igglix, my avatar, then you could hatch one of your own. 2/5 eggs have been given away this week. If you'd like, I could explain the whole thing to you.
    I don't like the whole in-your-face view, but other than that, it's nice~ <3

    Oh, and if you liked Igglix, my avatar, then you could hatch one of your own. 2/5 eggs have been given away this week. If you'd like, I could explain the whole thing to you.
    I don't like the whole in-your-face view, but other than that, it's nice~ <3

    Oh, and if you liked Igglix, my avatar, then you could hatch one of your own. 2/5 eggs have been given away this week. If you'd like, I could explain the whole thing to you.

    I guess I'm really not mature enough yet to really know. I guess I'll know in good time.

    Talk to you later.
    We may not have to memorize them in the correct order, but Amerow and I have to know what each symbol stands for.

    There goes my 97 in Chem.
    What's up?
    I've been stalking your conversation with scyther(yea, im a bored guy) and noticed he used to call himself dogsgofetch- and I remember it too, since I first saw him under that name.

    ....Which reminds me that I have once given away a detail about myself that could have gotten me killed...

    Anyway, what I wanted to say is that you and scyther aren't the only ones who hate the perdiodic table. I had a test over 30% of my final 'score' in biology, and almost failed. Well, I cheated because I threw a quick glance at the periodic table before the test, so I got a 70(B+). And yes, my teachers write the, errm, 'score' in points.(0-100)
    (uh. how long has it been since we talked? *counts fingers*)
    I got Kirby and the Amazing Mirror and Sonic advance 3, but I cant play them till Christmas D:
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