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  • That's really paranoid. I mean, pretty much all names are in movies at some point, and no matter what kind of movie it is you aren't going to turn into the person you're named after…haha, I would probably do that, too. I hate scary movies.

    Jenna's girly, but she has this tomboyish approach to it and she's not very serious unless she has to be, so I guess she thought it was too formal or old-fashioned? Eh, she's not one of my close friends, so I don't really know.

    Well…I guess he talks a bit faster than me. If I'm nervous or not concerned about my articulation I either mumble or talk way too fast, but not quite as fast as him, I think. It's mostly that if you hear each word you don't have much tome to process it before the next one comes and the sentences are long and give little time to regroup ideas. But I do think it was good.

    Ugh, restarting really sucks. Waaay too much work, but it has to be done.
    ...Zritts? Honestly?

    Not that it matters, but I don't aprove. It's not some random 'Z' word I spent doodling on a blank piece of paper instead of taking notes in World History, it was Skroy Horitz. You, by any other name.

    Whatever, it doesn't matter. I'm not calling you that though.

    So what'll it be? Ryan or Skroy?
    I know german and english almost fluently(talking, writing a little lacking still), quite good in hebrew(but that's not a reason for rasicm!), a little arabic(same as before and still learning), and a little french.

    Uh... bumping the conversation? Anyway, I noticed Mike doodled some arabic letters- funnily enough I happen to learns said langauge(NOT easy though)
    …um…Jryan? No. xD I don't know, your name could be Filipino and then I'd have no idea what it could be, so I'm not gonna start making up names now since you're going to tell me. And whoa, that was weird seeing my real name online directed at me. Usually it's just Blazie or Blazieaura, obviously, but I've gotten really used to it…but at the same time it was oddly…cool, for lack of a better word. ^^;

    Hypothetically. So no, she's not changing her name. xD If she said she wanted to I wouldn't believe her. One of my other friends hated her name (Genevieve) so she changed it to Jenna, though I think Genevieve would suit her just as well…

    Fwee, the Raven Chaser was good! It didn't really seem to be the last movie, however…oh well, that probably means there'll be another in the future. ^^

    If I could understand more than the tiny bit I got out of it, I'd appreciate the depth and art of its writing. Since I don't, I'll just say it was extrememly entertaining and seemed well done from what I could get out of the insanely fast talking. xD
    Lol. It was night(9 PM) and I normally play 35 minutes daily, already played 20 minutes in 5 PM.
    P.S. Yes oboe is really hard and, uh, breakable. One needs around 3 weeks to learn how to create ONE UGLY NOTE. There's that thing you need to put on top of it, is made of bamboo, and all the tamtam, you need a few weeks to learn how to use it(I needed one week, and my teacher claims I've got talent. Meh, I can get used to this...).
    من نمی دانم. بنابراین ، من باید به زبان فارسی صحبت می کنند.
    1) Yes, and that I do my best not to enter stuff that doesn't suit my age.
    2) I can't remember who sant me that stuff, but I do know it can be seen in bulbapedia.net/wiki, and that it's a picture from the "electric tale of pikachu" manga. Anyway, it's really disturbing(okay, not that much, since it's just manga, but eh).
    Originally posted by: a dirty ass- Oh wait, I mean, Skroy- Err, "Zritts"(wtf is that name?)

    "....You do realize he [Scyther] is going to see your message, right? Meh, so long as he's okay with it, there will no consequences. =P

    Well, if you're that set to change your username to Lars, then go for it. I honestly never would've guessed that Twiggy is some creepy woman (now you got me curious. ^^;)."
    If you want, I'll ask my mother if she can tell me more about it- she's the one who told me this in the first place when she saw my two usernames(Im called twiggy- for victory/lover(no spaces).). P.S. I know scyther as his two usenaems: Dogsgofetch and Scyther. Also, he doesn't care about me convo stalking. Also, I like to call myself "the bored [TFV]" When Im convo stalking. Meh, at least im not [TFV] the bastard(someone sent me a link to some very disturbing stuff. Lets call it...pokemon manga porn. LOL.).
    Oh. Fair enough- but the reason I didn't know this si im only convo stalking Scyther...(lol).

    I wonder if I might get my username changed to Lars for victory, Lars representing that loved turtwig of mine I got in the 19th november 2008 in my diamond game, and have kept until today. In addition, he's level 67 and still a turtwig.

    The reason I would hope to exchange "twiggy" with "Lars"/"turtwig" are:
    A) Im a turtwig fan.
    B) I don't like twiggy- Twiggy is some creepy woman(no more details*beep*).

    Edit: I decided to stalk a little, and I saw your convo with Scyther.

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