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  • Before I forget to tell you, I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year. Basically, November is going to suck as I try to write as much of A Divide as humanly possible. So, yeah, don't expect a lot of talking that month. On the topic of the story, I had her ending up with one person, but now I've read some threads on the website with snippets of dialogue that have inspired me to get her to end up with the other person. =/ Now I have no idea how to make that happen and keep it with the theme and all that. And to actually fit it into the story somehow. Yeah, I change my mind fast.

    For the first time I was actually having issues in math yesterday. I'm pretty sure I have them figured them out, but I was getting really frustrated with getting the wrong answer over half the time in the practice questions we did as a class. We're doing algebra with fractions and brackets. Brackets everywhere. >_>

    Don't really get what happened when the man raised his arms, but I have some ideas, and I really don't wanna know if they're correct. x.x

    Eh, I've always been a major perfectionist. =/ Except in subjects I don't care for. Like computers last year; I got a B but really didn't care, as long as it wasn't a C or something.
    Lol. That's what I thought before a certain scyther that is on my contact list wrote this critique:
    "This is really badass. Bad detail, and unoriginal. The main character is late, doesn't that remind you of a certain ash ketchum?"

    This one was definitly only bad. With 100% negative, I would say.
    Look, I know i want to get this story going, but I don't want to commit suicide(im too young to be killed by some beta-reader-folks!).

    Anyway, problem is: Either you get murdered with smashing critique that is so smashing that you either:
    a) commiy suicide.
    b) never again write something.
    c) kill the computer.
    d) never again touch the computer.
    e) never again enter the internet.

    And here, the only comments are:
    "this sucks balls"-"go fuck"-"go learn how to write"-"great job!"-"keep on that way dude!"-[insert shitty and useless comment here]

    Anyway, either they murder you with the help of destroying your hopes of writing a story(fanfiction.net) or they give you one line comments that will never let you move forward(dragonflycave.com/forums or dragonflycave.com/tqftl/forum.aspx?c=index).
    Uh... yea, if you'll accept that. Im discussing my story's plot with Ymedron, but she's a busy person, and the help of two persons is better than that of one(in addition, you probably have different tastes, so I can understand these things better..I mean, one opinion makes me only see one type of personality- and there is definitly more than one type of personallity.).

    Well, if you'll accept these(which I would be very happy about), could you help me with these?(im not going to send you a lot of stuff since I write slower now and have a lot of school. And I decided I won't write every single chapter in 5 minutes.)
    Well, about what you said: Does 'being a furry' mean being so obsseses with(for example) cats that one starts believing he is one hiself?(my neighbour did this. Lol. He still talks about how he helped his 'friends(cats)' find food in the trash.)
    Uh, hi skroy! I wondered if there would be a chance I might get you (with brute force) to help me with grammar errors? by that I mean: I started writting stories(again, I hope it won't suck so bad this time), and I wondered wether you could help me improve, since I don't want to send raw shit to my story thread- I'd rather have it be..."upgraded shit"(lol). I can already fortell it'll suck, but I still hope it won't suck as bad as this story.
    Acctualy not at all. I thought about joining it(although im still just 12).

    Not súre what a 'furry' means, but if the fact that I freak out when I see a cat in pain, and regulary have to be in contact with cats counts, then I'd join it.
    That sounds confusing. I get the words, but all together they're hard to apply to math. Eh, I have, what, two or three years? I'll be fine by then. =) How's college? Is SAY WHAT still your favourite class?

    I thought I would freak out and refuse to jump off, but you walk off a platform and somehow I wasn't even scared. I mean, going down at ninety miles an hour with wind attacking your face was a little scary (and when I screamed it was because I was having fun =D), but then we got down above the water going slower and it was really pretty.

    Aww, thanks! I appreciate the thought. And it was a very entertaining read. xD I usually get in the nineties, and I get really sad if I'm in the eighties. Especially if it's low enough to be a B. Haha, even my dance teacher says I'm a bit hard on myself.
    My math teacher has a calculus class right before my class. =D No idea if it's pre-calculus, but hey, it counts!

    We went ziplining, but you had to be 110lbs to go alone so I had to go tandem with my friend. xD Luckily it wasn't front-to-back like tandem skydiving, we just went side by side on the same rope. It was really fun, especially when we went over the water.

    We also had Olympics. Six stations had us at the foosball, ping-pong and pool tables, and four were musical things we'd done throughout the day. I was the only girl on my team of six, but I didn't mind because they rocked at the sports. =D We had three guys who killed the opposition at table tennis. I think I helped hold them together a little more in the music games, but they cared about doing well and weren't completely horrible at them. Hah, we had to sing our parts from a song we had been playing in a workshop. And then we won. =) We got ninety-something points, the next team got eight-something, and the rest of the teams were in the sixties and under. And after all that we got no prize.

    They're trying to prepare us for the real world, I guess. But I'm saaaad. Somehow my head is clinging desperately to that 1%, because it loves to see me be all depressed and disappointed when I don't get my role. xD And they just said that it'll be up by next Sunday, but they did some extra auditions yesterday so my mom says that the earliest it'll be posted is Tuesday. =( There goes the plans of my friend and I to pester our moms to check their email every half-hour.

    I get to miss soccer today because it's at the same time as a theater thing, and I'm really glad because I'm tired and have a lot of homework. Then again, the homework is a bad thing. >_<
    I might take calculus. I think I definitely will in high school, at least.

    Sorry for my long response. I went to music camp. =D We drove for four hours to a really nice place where there's a zipline and a lake (although it was too cold to swim in) and really good food. And the lodging was good too, although clean-up involved scrubbing showers and mopping floors. =(

    Hah, my mom went to a parent meeting for my theater today. Apparantly height (which I lack compared to many others in my group) and chemistry play as big a part as talent, and 99% of the time you won't get the role you want. Wow, teachers, way to crush my dreams. >_< But even if I'm not Aladdin I still really wanna see the lists.
    Basiclly evreyone has a job. No one knows what another is.

    There is a murder who kills people in elabrote and creative ways, a docter who heals who they think will be murdered next, a cop who tries to find the murder, and civilions, who do nothing.

    At the end of every round, people vote off the person they think is murder.

    I hope that was... consise enough.
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