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  • :P:P

    Well, I suppose that's a valid answer, but I don't agree. I can imagine you having some deep, totally unopposable thought but you just don't to put it up.

    Mafia... I can't believe you don't know what it is! It's like, the coolest game ever! (Though I've never played it online).
    Oh, is it like mario rpg in which case bioware made the whole game and sega just gave them permission to use sonic charachters?
    Ug. Why are we up so late?

    I've noticed that you're never in the debating hall. What's your veiw on abortion and aliens? Life after Death?
    Poloticially correct... It's kinda hard to tell. I suppose it's kinda like I don't threaten or anything...?

    And I dunno. It's easy enough to type up, at any rate.
    I don't have it with me. Maybe when I can get it to you. But thanks.

    ...C-Chosen for you?

    Abortion is extraction of the fetus so the mother does not have it. A conversation I just had with a girl on facebook:


    hi isaac


    What's up?

    nm you?

    I'm talking to my online friend Skroy Horitz about the abortion report I'm writing, and idly playing Farmville.

    o cool except about the abortion thing

    Oh, not another one of you!

    You don't get it do you?

    It's a group of stem cells that have a very small idea about how to organize themselves.

    They're as human as cancerous tumer.

    You aren't unless you have knowladge to think, to feel emotions!

    Honestly, people should think this through before mindlessly flaming it.

    ok ok geese but your still causing somones life by not even letting them start it


    They never know they exist; they don't feel, or think.

    or live

    They didn't start their life, so they don't know there will be one.

    It's that simple.

    but are all abortions like that?


    You can't have an abortion after a certain amount of time.

    Not after the baby has a brain, and can think, feel... love.

    well i think ur reasons are good so i gtg ttyl

    Good day. Talk to you later.
    Oh, meh-y.

    Chemistry is hell, and I keep getting terrible grades on the labs. My parents and I keep getting in arguments, usually starting in polotics.

    I'm choosing my high school classes next week. Luckily, I did some snooping and the the list early and distbuted copies to my two friends, and we're deciding. I'm thinking, for electives, Intro to Food, and HTML A and C++. Yay.

    And I'm doing a report on abortion. For it, of course. Though being the only libreal in my school/family, a bunch of people hate me now.

    Oh, and you know what my Dad called me on the way to my Mom's house today? A Libreal that is so concerned on being political correct and pleasing others, that all I end up doing is hurting others.

    Gah. I hate Conservative extremists.
    I.. don't know. Unless you're the type of person who likes to play games online, which I don't.
    I dunno.

    I guess I may as well use it, at least in the sense of... Well I can't think of many uses. Come to think of it, I probably never use it after tonight :P
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