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  • Yeah, I can be kinda over-apologetic sometimes...

    So anyway, what's up? Is college going well? I'm kinda curious about what college is like, since I'm gonna be going to college myself in a few years. Like... How specialized are the degrees? 'Cause I was hoping to go into computer programming, art, and possibly math... and I'm not sure if I can major in all that in one run through college.
    xDDDDDDDDDDDD Mush generally doesn't taste good, I guess. It reminds me of baby food. xP

    XD Woooow…this is really entertaining. ^^

    *slaps cheek* WAKE UP!

    ^2-for-1 deal; I slap you and bring you back to consciousness. ;D

    Good point. I get really annoyed when my food falls off my fork.

    Aww, it's cute! Now I'm inspired to actually write a bit. =)
    Oh my gosh... I am so sorry dude... I just haven't gotten around to this place in a long time. And really, you have more excuse to be inactive than I do, since you're in college and everything. Bleh...

    I need to get more active in this place again... I really wish I could get my dad to set up a scanner in our house or something - I've become kinda frustrated with my mouse drawings lately.
    Mhmm, le genre des mots est un point très mélant. Ma mère elle-même se trompe souvent malgré qu'elle parles français depuis longtemps. :P (Elle est née dans une famille anglophone.)

    Aeeuuh, j'ai malheureusement pas d'explication correcte pour l'expliquer. Tout ce que je sais est qu'il faut le conjuger comme cela. XD; Je ne suis pas un très bon prof pour le français, j'ai bien peur.
    Haha, he must be pretty outgoing, then. xD He'd probably be a good actor, though.I get to GO GO GO for it tomorrow when I read a scene. Yay~! I love my theater classes more than dance or singing or anything else. They're just so…fun, I guess. =)

    Corn on the cob is good. It used to get stuck in my braces, though. -shudders- Extremely annoying.

    If I had a hard stick I'd beat you with it. -_- My drama teacher always says she'll do that if we skip or are late for theater. XD Thing is, you can't tell if she's serious…But I'm really looking forward to that picture.

    A…spoon. Handy for soup. Not much else. I mean, eating waffles with a spoon? Not fun, I'm guessing. xD
    We've never humiliated our male actors like that before. Partly because it's doubtful that they could ever pull it off, and there are plenty of guy parts anyway. But I'm feeling good today because my theater teacher at school said that I did well in a number today. Okay, well, she really just thankedme for actually singing audibly, but I'm still happy. ^^

    Please do not show me anything to do with corn. Please. ^^; Is the second picture for me the Grovyle one? With the undetermined addition of me slapping you? xD 'Course, that part's not required if that is what you're drawing…

    Heh, I'd be a failure at verbal fights. I'm bad at improvising. Unless I accidentally say something that ninja's a person's brain…that would be cool but mean. ^^; It's a smart piece, but at the same time it's hilarious.

    EDIT: I figured I'd better tell you now (because you know I'll forget by my next reply)—I have a student teacher named Mr. Wico, and he's Filippino. =D
    Luckily my show is always double-casted so that everyone gets a good role, and one of them doesn't suit Aladdin in the slightest. I'm more worried about another girl or two that would be really good at the part as well. Eh, now I'm getting more nervous, but for the first time in years I feel like I stand a real, honest chance. That's taking into account that last year in Bugsy Malone at least half of the characters were guys and the girls in my class played the parts brilliantly. You can't just be a guy; you gotta be good. (Which I know for a fact that that one guy definitely is, but meh. I'll keep trying.) =)

    Don't worry about the picture; it's not exactly life or death. Don't let it interfere with college. (Yes, I know you probably aren't. Just…I dunno, putting the thought out there?)

    Wow, that was amazingly funny despite the constant swearing—particularly the frequent use of one particularly bad word…but I did like it. …It's hard to explain why; he just says it in such an amusing way that it's hard not to be entertained.
    Aaahs je vois. XD Il est toujours plus difficile de parler ou d'écouter une langue, ouais. Si t'entendais comment je parles l'anglais.

    Aeeeuh, pas vraiment, ça dépends du contexte dans lequel il est utilisé. >-< Je ne suis pas sûr si je peux l'expliquer clairement car il a plusieurs significations.

    Aha, je vois. ;w;

    (Et il y a quelques corrections à faire ici. De un, c'est un dictionnaire, le mot est masculin, même chose avec emploi, qui est masculin (quoique le genre des mots est mélangeant parfois donc je peux comprendre) et on dit "que je ne l'ouvrirais jamais" dans cette situation. Autrement, le reste est correcte. :3 )
    T'as pas à t'inquièter, ça devenir plus naturel avec le temps. :3 Et même si tu fais quelques fautes, tu semble déjà avoir un bon français d'après-moi. Tu écris bien mieux que plusieurs personnes que je connais qui parles français. XD

    Aeuh, j'arrives pas à trouver d'exmple pour le moment. DX Dès que je penserai à un, je le pointerai.

    Aaahs, je vois. C'est un peu la même chose avec moi quoique je commence à avoir peur dès que quelqu'un a une épingle trop proche d'un ballon. XD
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