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  • Aahs, thank you! ;w; Wait, are you the one with the username starting with a Z on there or? XD Just so I can identify you better. :P

    (Not at all :3 I'd be glad to help you practice. X3 I can talk to you in French if you really want too or in english.. whichever you want. owo And, btw, your sentence was perfect here. -w- )
    I cant say until I play it, but I think Superstar Saga was the best one. Made me laugh for hours XD! FAWFUL'S MUSTARD OF DOOM @_@
    Hi there! How's it today?
    Im in a (quite) good mood because:
    a) today my bro has birthday(7)
    b) My last "milk"/"first" thooth is about to fall.
    The comprehension questions are just…a nuisance. They basically suck and sometimes I wonder what the point is other than making us struggle and wrack our brains for some sort of deep, thought-out answer.

    Lucky! But personally, I'm willing to wait to be able to read the names of the Pokemon and dialogue. For me the storyline is a big part of my liking of the game. I've only played Crystal, so I have no idea what to do when you get off of the gym badge plot and into the Team Rocket/Lugia plot, but for the beginning I can say that you need to go to the lab. Then you choose a Pokemon and leave the town. If the rival says his name is ??? then don't take him seriously. Yeah, when I first got it I kept trying to leave town without going to the lab. Then I got into the lab and thought that I'd be given the Pokemon, so I couldn't figure out why he kept telling me to get a Pokemon (probably because I didn't recognize the Pokeballs on the table as balls. Just red circles. xD).
    I felt like having a clever rhyme
    Loco Mocho (and i thought it be cool to have a spanish name)
    Meh, we're all just someone behind a computer after all. X3 Guess the whole shy-barrier is mostly based upon the place you meet the person.
    Oh, not much. Just a normal occurance when your about to die. A few days ago my heart stopped and they had to restart it lalalaa, nothing special. |:<
    Hence my reluctance to show it anywhere but those two websites. :P I know it's not everyone's dish and keep it to a minimum around non-related forums. :/
    Ayes, I got that, just.. ah well. And I see. At least my art isn't alien so much then. x:
    Well change the usertitle. It's unfun.

    Parents. And I got a bad grade on something.
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