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  • I am going to punch myself if I dont finish your 4 month old fire buizel sprite request this weekend :/
    Haha, no worries on that. It's not like what I draw is porn either. XD
    Alrighties! Hope it goes well! o3o
    OHffff the last one was months, not years. I need to read better. DX And yeah, well, any exposition to art will, at a certain degree, improve your artistical view and experience so.. XD

    Ohs I... oh.. D: haha, fawk, I guess I'm way too used to the larger pokemon forums where such things are big no-no to the point that anything remotely "off" is warant a warning. XD Well then linking won't hurt.. much, I hope. D: http://www.emeraldseahorse.deviantart.com/
    That's still a total of 9 years. x: Which is a lot. Plus that you played so many can only mean you've explored a lot of the sonorific art.

    FffffI can only classify it as fetishy. It's probably among the most tame fetish but still classified as that. Again, there's nothing explicit, just weird for those not really into it. XD I guess the chubby cheeks of my avy might give away -what- exactly. I just tend to avoid it in places/forums that isn't exactly about it. X3
    Aaahs, as long as you don't stop any of the two, since both are fun artistic hobbies imo. And that's a fawdload lot of instruments. D: How many years in playing them? XD

    Aeeeh, I'm quite shy about sharing my actual dA. XD; There's nothing explicit on it buuut.. still shy about the subject drawn. Still pokemon related for the most part, ironically. I might do an album with whatever would fit here at some point though. :3
    Ohs, well congrats on that. :P

    Ooohs, yay, a dA. -w- Looks good imo, you got potential to exploit. ;w; Cute style too. Oh and it says you're more of a musician? :3 (which is actually a form of art, unlike what it insinuated in the album's description. XD)
    Aaahs XD the two words look alike so the mix up can happen.

    And ayes, I drew my avatar. Thanks ya! ;w;
    Aaargh, early classes. DX They're a pain. ;w;

    And t'wad fun chatting with you too. :3 (and the sentence is quite fine, the only mistake is it's not "raconter" but "discuter" though the grammar was good.)
    I generally have trouble remembering mundane things. Like chores (not that I have many), and appointments, and homework. And sometimes I get distracted from being on my way to do something, and by the time the distraction's been nullified I've forgotten what I was going to do. -_-;

    Gah, English. I like writing in class (sort of), but we're stuck analyzing poetry at the moment. Jus comparing poems on the same subject, answering comprehension questions (some of which I'm sure I'll receive few marks for) and…stuff. =(

    Yay, I'm playing through Crystal again! I found some HGSS music on YouTube and have since listened to over 50 of the songs. They're so awesome that I've been inspired to play through Crystal on my GBA and try to create my planned team. 'Course, it's doomed to fail as Togekiss doesn't exist in Crystal. xD

    And thanks. =D I was running out of them so I went to Marriland(.com) and browsed through. I got some pretty good ones, like my profile pic withthe Haunter. ^^
    Focusing on what? For me my focus level generally depends what I'm focusing on. I'm assuming you mean school, though.
    Ooohs, yeah, well glad to see you're trying to improve. There's always asking the teachers for more in-depth evaluation of your skills in it.
    Aha XD Glad to hear that! Although we do get... less interesting shops and such there for some reasons. :c No Pizza Huts, nor Wnedy's or.. a lot of stuff. ;n;
    Aaahs, well yeah, if you're taking the general classes, high grades = better.
    And of course, sorry I forgot to say it. XD; I'm from Québec City, Beauport, more precisely. x:
    Aahs XD As long as you pass, it's good enough. ;w; I speak French but my mother's family side tend to speak a lot more English... although I'm still making loads of mixing up between the two so grammar takes a hit.. for BOTH. XD
    But yeah! yay for another Quebecan..quebecois..? DX
    Holewow... hahaha we're hard to find on the net, indeed. XD Well.. at least on english speaking forums.
    Which part of Québec, if you don't mind me asking? and English or French speaker? :P
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