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  • Ah. I don't know the exact length of our semesters, but I know that at the end of January we have exams before switching classes at the start of February. Ooh, maybe I would actually be able to choose a gym subject I like in college…I guess it depends where I go, though, since I'm leaning towards music.

    California…my friend left for Disneyland yesterday at 4 in the morning. But I'm assuming she's there and rested, so I'm just really jealous.

    Organization is sort of like a way to pass the time. And when I start organizing something I prefer to finish it so I know where things are. But, again, if it's not interesting or fun to me I'm utterly lazy. XP

    School sucks. It's a fact of life. I should probably cut down in my Internet considering my schedule and homework. But don't worry, I'm not mad that you'll be off. See you later. =D
    Hey guys and to those of you who check my profile,

    I'll be away for an indefinite amount of time. Why? College. Due to the workload I am getting, I feel that I should stay away from TCoD for the time being and focus my attention on my education. TCoD is nice but it is one of my biggest time wasters and I need time to work on them. If you must speak with me for whatever reason, please contact me by e-mail (even if you're asking for help with your homework; seriously, I wouldn't mind helping you, especially in math, because it would be good practice for me to teach people since I'm being graded on how well I teach others in one of my classes. =/ ).

    Anyway, talk to guys later! ^w^

    P.S. Wait, isn't there a thread on TCoD where I can announce my absence? Meh, doesn't matter, I'm still gonna be off for the most part.
    Because puppy Repede is fucking adorable <3 Can't wait for the Vesperia movie in a couple of weeks, even if it is in Japanese theaters.
    Soon, we will take over tcod...and then....AND THEN.....THE WORLD!! AND THEN A GIANT METEOR WILL FALL AND MUTANT LUCARIOS WILL COME TO SAVE THE DA- I'm getting carried away....
    Writing this very fast so there will be a lot fo grammar errors here:
    I wrote the previous thing fast, too, so I didnt have time to check. Anyway, i could try to help you oing the following: Writem e a long VM and I'll check it. Im bad in typing(darnit! Forgot how to write this one), but good at finding other people's mistakes. No wonder many people say I nerve...(or a pain-in-the-butt).
    Anyway, try that with severla people, it can really help.
    ....Or do it the way i did with german- I played nintendo and learned(the irony!).
    I could copy the recipe here, but that would take a while. And there would be zillions of typos, knowing me. (The recipe isn't online, as far as I know.) So…I dunno. Make brownies and put 60mL each of chocolate (chips or pieces) and mini-marshmallows in? -_-;;

    Ah. You didn't know that (s)he was going to be evil? That sucks, especially if you have them all year…eh, as I get higher in school, gym turns more and more into torture. Even with breaks, I would probably hate it. But there's probably some legal requirement or something that'll make me do gym. Ugh.

    I'm not always organized, but when I am it's super organized. I have a word document that I'm working on containing three teams with their nicknames, moves, locations, and ways to get the moves. One list for each starter in HGSS. And for my story (this is where this paragraph is actually relevant) I made this point form list of everything up to a point near the end and divvied it up into chapters. With most of the names already picked. And I pretty much know the ending, I just need some details concerning the lead-up to it. I have this freakishly organized PC Box system on my Pearl, and I'm planning on alphabetizing my bookshelf by author sometime…

    Then again, my writing is a messy scrawl, I can barely be bothered to pick up my room or put my clean laundry away, and my locker is a pile of books and binders. My head picks out stuff that's fun to organize and does it, I guess. And I think I might do a prologue…I had an idea after reading that article but lost it…but I need it, kind of, I'm pretty sure. I just need to figure out how to format it…
    The brownies looked weird because we put marshmallows in, and apparently they explode. If ours exploded, they must have mostly melted first becaus other than a few batter bubbles (cooked) on the top they were fine. And gooey and chocolately. ^^

    O.O I am not taking gym in college, I am not taking gym in college…

    Writing in order of the story. I'm on hold in the middle of chapter 2, and I'm got portions of at least three other chapters done, but they are each about half of a chapter. And I'm sad about ToA. It was set up to be really great.

    Incidentally…should I go with a Prologue or just throw the readers into the 'Holy jeez I'm a Pokemon' scene?
    Hi skroy!
    Yea I do realize that you're offline but we didnt talk for ages.

    I heared(okay read) that you're having vocabulary problems, so I wondered wether I might help you. P.S. My grammar's not that bad for my age. Im acctualy one of the top 3 students in my class, although that's not a masterpiece in a class where everyone is a brailess doofus, but still, my vocabulary isnt bad at all.
    I just HATE it when I start a convo with somebody then forget about it and leave.....
    MORE than that. Do you know wht certian camera angles DO? Some are used mostly for movies and I saw a lot of those. *cue squee-ing*
    Soooo....Double Kick!

    I wish I had free blocks. We have a 30-minute block called FLEX (although I forget what it stands for) where we can go and do homework, but it's really, really quiet work block. And I am procrastinating too; my mom told me to clean my room and then do my homework as soon as I got home from school, but here I am. ^^;

    I know I know I know! I totally love simply singing background to it! I have no idea what's with half of the choreography, though…uh, hopefully I won't have to do the random bobbing up and down and stuff. xD

    Ohhh… XDDDD I meant it like she was determined to keep me on soprano but alto was doing so bad that she lost her resolve. Maybe 'cracked' is a strong word for that, though. xD

    I'm really, really tired. I like most of my classes pretty well. I like foods now that we're out of theory and into cooking (we made brownies today =D) and of course I like math. Gym is torture because due to having 70-minute classes we can have twenty-minute warmups and still get a good class in. So we do runs through a long forest path (which took my friend who has good endurance 15 minutes), or this ten-minute relay where you alternate running, puships and situps. It's based on the day of the week (because every day we alternate between gym and math) so I've only done those two, but apparently the others suck as well. The other two are somewhere in the middle, and in February I change all of my classes but math/gym. Hopefully those ones are fun, too.

    Last night I managed to get some writing in, and I'm happy with it. I've stopped writing in order and am now writing what I want to write first, and hoping that inspires me to write some of the more boring stuff, so I got out the big, dramatic half of what will probably be the fourteenth chapter. I wish I could show it to someone, but people in my life aren't interested in Pokemon, and if I gave it to you you'd read the bulk of a semi-important plot twist. Not as much of a plot twist as an altering event, but I don't want to spoil it. And it wouldn't make sense without the rest of the chapter—and the rest of the story, for that matter. Bleh.

    TWO FUCKEN HOURS. A MOVIE. AS IN DIFFERENT CREDITS AND EVERYTHING. aaaaaaaaaaaa~ (No srsly. EVERY TIME I think this'll happen next week for Lie to Me, but GWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~)

    *moarmoar earthquake*



    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~(read: fucking amazing and felt more like a movie, actually. Excuse me while I go...*coguhsqueecough*)

    Aaand wgile I'm gone, use any attack. ANY. ONE ;D

    8DDDDD *Moar Earthquake*
    :3 Awwww.
    *pat* ^^ I want you to wait and be attacked.
    I have a Cunning Plan!™ So don't worry. Unless...

    ...nooo. not THAT plan. This is why owner should't consume day-old funnel cake AND watch a two hour premire....OF ANYTHING D:
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