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  • D:< Huuurgh. Oh well.
    *quick attack*

    S'not as intseresting aas you'd think. It's more like-well, the day thing is...imagine looking at a calender Monday to Sunday, all white. Now each little box has...almost a tinge to it, in your mind. Monday's dark blue, Tuesday's a rose colour, Wensday's orange, more of a peach, really, Thursday's oddly purple, Friday is a green. Satuday is a really light blue, very aqua-ish. And Sunday is a magneta.
    *hoofpalm* Ow bad idea. D:
    Both. S'quite interesting. I see days and occasionally music as color :3

    (...no seriously. There's a name for it, I forget what though...and, only specific notes, kinda.)
    I should try out a professor layton game. I'll put it on my long, long, long, long, INCREDIBLY LONG list of games to buy XD
    No, I don't mind. =D My brain will just be more conscious about having good grammar and such, that's all. And yay for no mistakes! Well, I'm happy. That doesn't exactly help improve your proofreading. xD

    We had our first class today. (My class that's doing Aladdin.) It's more of a class than a theater group, because they take every opportunity to teach us, and we do a number of theatre games and exercises, and they aren't too hard on us.There's suddenly a lot of new people, but all of the oldest people in the group are my age at the moment. And I'm hoping that since I've improved a lot I'll at least get something like the carpet. Even if I don't I'll have fun, though.

    XDDDDDDDDD Drawling zombies are bad. Were the notes mashing together all wrong? Without music it's hard to sing properly in two different parts. And I'm assuming that Grade 12 band/orchestra is pretty hard, so that's your excuse. xD

    By the way, awesome avatar. ^^
    (Two things it can mean:



    *aims and shoots him in the shoulder blade* Yup.
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