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  • (I knooow~ I love Love Reign O'er Me a bit more, though. So awesome, yet no one really knows that song :x)
    *does it on a ukulale*

    (and then if it works, TRY THE UKULALE LINK 8D)
    Wow, that was weird. Somehow it annoys me to see my writing put through such rigorous proofreading…but that's the point of it, so I'm telling that particular voice in my head to shut up. =)

    The rehearsals start this Wednesday. I should have said we'll get to… I think it would be fun if the bums were allowed to sneak up the aisles and snatch people's programs—I mean, we have to stay in character! ;D I was going against Grade 11/12's for the part I wanted, so I was disappointed but unsurprised. A friend/mentor/acquaintace of mine in one of the higher grades got the huge, main role, so I'm happy for her, and all of the talented people got decent parts. And, honestly, I'm not holding any grudges. I'm just excited because the music's good.

    Maybe I should have italicized rather than capitalized. I said UP because usually the harmony is alto/below, so I can't sing high like I want to because harmony is my priority. I like it, and some people struggle with it or give up so I like to make sure it doesn't die out. =)
    Hey, that was my keyboard. =P But I agree that a semicolon would have worked better.

    I'm feeling lazy, plus I typed half of this message before accidentally refreshing and having to start over, so this'll be shorter for you. =/

    Here you go, if you can find the time. Part 1. Unfortunately I got the cast list today showing most of the talking/main parts, and I wasn't on it. But in rehearsal we get to figure out who the bums and the apple sellers and dancing housewives and stuff are; none of them are in the script so I don't know what they do, but… Anyway, the show has good music, and the harmony part is a third UP so I can be on harmony and sing soprano at the same time! =3
    Dunno, caretaker's computer is being worked on finally, so I should be able to get back soon.
    (Yeah, but the Who is amaziiing. I mean, they go from this (you may wana skip a bit) to yawp still astounds me.)


    Hmmm...wait for it...



    *watches with an intrigued face*
    Being lazy isn't exactly good, but I like being lazy. =P Proofreading can be hard if it's typed because then my brain skims more and corrects it unconsciously, not in a waythat I can remember to write it down. It's weird.

    Epic swordfight in a puzzle game sounds promising. =D Hopefully I won't take too long to get ahold of it. My Auntie Dar is a big gamer, so I love her, and she got the game as well. I was jealous.

    Introverted…this is good for me, too; I'm bad at explaining. It's like…being withdrawn, sort of, liking to do stuff alone. Being extroverted (I think that's how it's spelled) is the opposite; liking to be loud and being around others. Introverts are basically antisocial or happy with doing stuff alone and thinking. I think. That's my basic understanding explained in a not-so-perfect way. ^^;

    Haha, today I had a home game at two and I didn't get home until almost four, and I had to go to this extra theater thing for the kids choir for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. Awesome, awesome music and harmony, but it lasted three hours. =( Then I had to do my homework, partly while at a restaurant because my family needed dinner. xD We're doing renovations in the kitchen and front hall area, so we're doing less cooking. Half of it is basically ripped apart, which means that walking around the main floor in bare feet is a bad idea. Okay, I'm off topic. But cheesy or not, thanks. Believe it or not, that actually helps a lot.

    Little Shop of Horrors is about a poor guy and girl who work for a man in a florists' shop on Skid Row, a downtown place that's poor. Yeah. And the guy discovers a new breed of plant after this 'total eclipse of the sun'. It brings business and fame to him, but then he discovers what it eats…and then the story suddenly gets a lot more dark, adding that the girl has an abusive boyfriend. And it's sad and the ending is different from the movie—waay more depressing.

    Oh…I've been trying not to spoil stuff, but it's not like you're going to come see it, so I shouldn't be worried. xD Did that spark any memories? If not I can explain in more detail. I'm getting really excited about Aladdin. We're auditioning this month or next during class, but then we're doing songs for the academy's Christmas show, so we have to practice those until the show in the first week of December. Then we have all of 2010 until late-ish May when we perform, I think. It's the usual schedule, but there have been a lot of class changes, so it might be different. But we audition early so we can learn some songs and lines and so we know for the actual practices because everyone's always impatient (including me).

    Sometimes it's hard to tell. One of my friends is Vietnamese, but there are only subtle differences between her and the Chinese/etc. features. But that must be really annoying.

    That's long. I doubt you'll want to edit this message either. xD Eh, you gave me a lot to respond to. Your own fault. XP xD
    (Refrence whooooooooooooo

    Also the theme soooong <3 Sure, i'm biased, cause it's The Who, but er.)
    *jumps in fromt of Lassiter* DDD:<
    THE HELL SPENCER? You're going to get yourself KILLED!
    >:< *stands back up*

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