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  • I'mlazy, so here. And this is the best song in the whole show, rivaled only by a few of the other songs. The Elvis vibe really makes it awesome.

    Uh…I guess after I did a few duets with my friend she noticed that I got the harmony fast and I didn't get messed up by the other part. And she's the one who got me to sing loud. So I guess she needed help with that part and decided to put me on it because of that. That's what you meant, right? (If not, feel free to be annoyed. My head interprets things weirdly sometimes. ^^;)
    That would make for an interesting picture. xD And…what? That has to be the weirdest question you've ever asked me. But…I dunno. Possibly. Not mouth-to-mouth, though. That would be…weird.

    So…hi. (That's basically my paragraph-starter when I have nothing to say. xD) I'm in this children's choir formed to be in an adult production of Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. The music is really awesome, and my voice teacher is the one teaching us the songs (although most of it is backup 'ah's and 'ooo's with the occasional 'ba ba'.) I'm good with harmony and like it, but I got to be on soprano because I sing high and she said that they'd manage.

    Yesterday she cracked and put me on harmony. xD They were smaller than the soprano group to begin with, and her exact words were "They're dropping like flies." But I like it; the harmony is gorgeous, and for some reason I find it just as fun as singing high because I know I'm helping the music sound better. =D
    Seriously, I give you my explict permission to read our conversation. Just this once.

    And I believe we get in arguments often because we both hate being wrong. Or something.

    Oh! I've purchased the Japanese Rosetta Stone, and I've imported Soul Silver^_^

    On a different note, I have EXTREME posion ivy.
    I'll just assume you end school a year early there. =/ But I guess it's kind of hard to figure out—if someone came up to me and told me they had thirteen grades plus kindergarten where they came from, I'd be weirded out. So…yeah.

    I mostly have a bunch—okay, a lot—of fics on story alert so I can read them as they're posted. I rarely skim the sections to look for new work any more.

    -resists urge to slap- Weirdo. xD I just like the character. And habit to write in the mind of his best friend makes you see all of his good points. And Grovyle's a pretty decent battler in the main series of games, too. Basically, I just like him. Yeah. xD And don't take that the wrong way; I laughed when I read it. I'm not disgusted or anything. xD If you actually wanted to draw that, then you could. ^^

    And yes, I like to see the shippings in harmless friendship pairs. Like…I have no example at the moment, but there are probably lots.
    Impressive guitar, man. |D We do have something like this. S'called Flocabulary. Admittively, less...awesome, but hey, any music in school's fine withh me. Specially since sometimes anyone that knows how to play an instument CAN try the instrmentals. Fun days. :> Anyhow, Shawn, ya ready?


    ...*falls asleep*
    I didn't make him use Re-oh, never mind. *funnel cake onomnomnom* IOt's doesn't mean anything. It's almost a reaction.
    ^w^ *ruffles Lassie's mane*
    It is for me. It takes me a month just to get enough money for ONE game, and theres other things I buy too.
    Lets see if I can pull out how long my list is.....

    1. Drawn to life 2
    2. M&L rpg 3
    3. Scribblenauts
    4. Mario Galaxy 2*
    5. New Super Mario Bros Wii*
    6. Mario Baseball
    7. Possibly a professor layton game.

    *this game is yet to come out.
    No, she used my story to provoke a fight with Butterfree.

    And Typh and I don't like each other, but we enjoy talking/arguing.
    Skroy, I can't put up with other being terrible to my friends. You know that. Along with the fact she used my fic to start a fight.

    And don't you just love her usertitle? It's simply at the pinicle of maturity.

    And mineis a referance on how Typh and I... Well, you're a convo-stalker.
    Really? I mean yeah, I started it, but she was being ridiculous to Butterfree. Then she continued it yesterday.

    And the usertitle is a referance to Typh.
    No reason, really. I thought it'd be something cunstructive to do :P

    Ooh, look at dogsgofetch's profile on serebii forums. I seem to always be in an argument. Mean girl.

    Oh! Nice usertitle.
    33. That's an easy one. This one is waaaay too easy, but:

    A man is looking at a picture of his grandson's brother's uncle's father. Who is he looking at?
    Going by what I've seen, the person dressed as the carpet does a lot (and I mean a lot) of miming and is mostly a comedic role, although not as much as the Genie by far. They do get to do some cartwheels, though. =D

    That's…odd, only because I can't imagine my school without Grade 12. So if you're 17 now, how old are people when they start Grade 1? Six, or seven? Maybe you just start school a year later there…unless it's only your school.

    That happened to me with the Grovyle side mission for PMD: Explorers of the Sky. I was really upset that I let myself spoil the great ending, which was what made me promise myself not to look at many spoilers after that. On the other hand, it's how I figured out the ending of PMD: A Divide. Yes, I changed the name. I thought it fit better, because first there's the divide between Holly and Grovyle that is slowly repaired only to relapse, and then Holly herself is divided between her two friends. I felt that it had more meaning.
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