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  • (Ahhh. Charizard's a dragon, but WARTYFAAACE-no.)

    ...that won't bhurt me. Are you blind? Demented.




    Ohhhh boy.




    ohmygod he just said that *facepalmsigh*

    *FLIIIIES foward, covered in flamed, and tiiiiicked*
    O: CMoA.
    (SoulSilver get. Starter(s)? (Cause after the game we get Kanto and Hoenn starters owo

    So, Starting out with Cydna, Then Squirty ...yawp :V aaand Treccko. You?)

    O-kaaay >:D

    *yawwwn* Huh?

    :D Lassie!

    Shawn, Energy Ball Amphere, Lassiter, Superpower!

    ...*gets himself a cape*




    Dad is in italia till tomorrow, I've got three little monsters to take care of(my brothers and sister), a horde of crazed homework to kill, a cat to feed, a hungry myself to feed, and I have to find a way to finally sleep. I go to sleep at 10 Pm, but find out im still awake at 1 AM in the morning. I've tried to drink tea, but that doesnt really help, I've tried some healthy ecaliptus 'scents', small bottles usually used with lanterns, but Nwm, but that only made me choke, I've got to tell my mother a billion times that she needs to shake me violently to make me wake up, and not just whisper 'psst, >Twiggy for victory<, wake up!", and i oughta go to school at 8 AM, having 15 minutes. Anyway, she usually wakes me up at 7 Am, but today she didnt use the right 'tactic', so I woke up at 7:48, with 5 minutes to put my clothes on, 5 minutes to shout around like a psycho and the rest of the time to manage to lock that fucking door with that fucking key that's not even worth 1 yen. Anway, no sane human, or one with steel nerves(and my iron ones didnt survive it), would survive this without:
    1) losing sanity.
    2) Make an Amok-run.
    3) Shout around like a psycho.

    Anyway, now my only way to calm down is see Tv, play PSOA(poke-shadowz-of-almia),
    And play with my cat. Also, another effective way of calming down is drinking some hot choko(or how it'S called- and hey, im just 12, did you expect me to drink COFFE?*blargh*).

    Well, Its good that I can tell all these someone.
    Believe me, you should NOT envy me-
    I've got some outrages lately, most of them involving me throwing my cat around and smashing random books on the ground.
    P.S. Most of my 'outrages' end up with me crying because I destroyed my favourite non-violence comic books.
    Well, now that you are online, how's it going?

    Im in a combination of good/bad mood-
    The day starter awfull, with only 10 minutes to put on all of my clothes, and 5 minutes to run to school, which is located 900 Meters from my house. Im in luck that im quite fit..(lol) The whole neighbourhood should have heared the arguements- no wonder, with all these angered shouts. Anyway, the day in school was not so bad, (but I slept 5 hours out of 5 hours of school-GAH!). Well, I have the rest of the day free, although its 8:40 PM right now. And you?

    Sleep Talk agiiiiian.

    *wakes up* Buh-wuh?

    ...on second thought, Rain Dance.

    *indian dances*

    And Lassie, Sleep Talk.

    *zzzzzzzzz**secret power ground*
    Um. I dont feel like explaining it so I'll copy/paste from wikipedia. This pretty much explains it:
    The main "race" of creatures inhabiting the universe of Drawn to Life are anthropomorphic anime-inspired fox like beings known as the "Raposa" ("Raposa" happens to mean "fox" in Portuguese). They were drawn by the Creator, who also drew their world and everything upon it. But the Creator abandoned the Raposa long ago.

    The story begins with a Raposa named Mari crying out to the player, the Creator, to help save the village she lives in. Along the way, you meet her best friend, Jowee, and her dad, the mayor. These characters are the last remaining villagers. You design a hero for them, and then run into Wilfre, a corrupted Raposa that dabbled in creation, and spawned a legion of evil shadow-like creatures. You start by rescuing the Mayor, who set off to bring back the Raposa to the Village. As your progress, you learn that Wilfre was once a prominent member of the Village, and that in his lust for power; he stole the Book of Life, and tore the pages from it. The Mayor asks you to find and return the pages of the Book of Life, so the Creator can once again draw the missing objects from the Village. You even meet a sweet raposa named Heather who is halfway covered in shadow. She will occasionally help you. However she does not speak but merely motions and giggles.

    You start by designing the Eternal Flame, which is then used to clear the darkness from each section of the village, each time you return from completing a level. Along the way, you rescue a cast of villagers, who agree to return to the Village and open up shops, restaurants and other places of interest. Mari begins training to take over as Mayor, and the Village plans a festival to celebrate. Meanwhile, adventure-hungry Jowee sneaks into a level, and you have to save him and help find an appropriate gift for Mari. This reckless act causes a rift between Jowee and Mari, but they eventually make up and grow closer as they help the hero restore the village to what it once was.

    After numerous confrontations with Wilfre, he finally tricks the Mayor into appearing alone, and attacks him, stealing the Book of Life as well. Everyone tries to help the Mayor but he sadly dies in Mari's arms. Everyone devastated, but after seeing the village descend into chaos, decide to band together and stop Wilfre for good. The hero defeats Wilfre, and returns to the Village. Jowee plans to leave on a Treasure Hunt, and after saying goodbye, Mari reminisces about the past, upset about losing her dad and best friend. The story ends with Mari on the beach, shocked at seeing Jowee walk up behind her. She runs to him happily, watched over by the spirit of the Mayor, and the hero, on the cliff above. Plus after meeting with Crazy Barks, Heather finally starts speaking.
    Ya, I read about it in nintendo power. Comes out in october. Its a fun game. In the first one, I drew the main charachter to be kirby XD
    There will be this Police guy who will ask you.

    Nevermind that. Have you gotten to the guy that gives you the egg?

    Sorry, Skroy, I have to go and play this. So, uh,

    You're help.
    Well, it depends where you're at. Have you seen named the person who stole the starter yet?
    Music should play a big part while playing this. You probably here the 'you obtained something' song once you get the Pokeballs.

    My Crystal's internal battery died, and it can't be saved, which is why I can't help.
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