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  • *blam*
    *in shoulder*

    D:< *attacks you*

    Whooooa o:


    (Prosthetic. He prefers the word bionic, since it is mettalic.

    And yes, it is. Also, what would be the fun of killing with a gun? Too easy.)
    (*aims at an apple on a tree with an actual bow and arrow. It hits, bringing it down* I have archery lessons. More creative then a sniper, do you not think?

    Also yawp. But I'll beat him, YET with his bionic leg, git'll outrun me.)



    *gets behind Lassiter*
    (This would be mine, to be precise. I reaaallly need an update, and I have a hellvalotta pictures here, but my scanner has it's own mind at times.
    Noo, I will climb in trees and try to spot asses from school. Reveeenge baby >:3
    Or have a Nerf fight with my 7 year old cousin :v)
    *turns safety off* >:D
    Nuuuuuuuuu, bad Lassieface D:
    ...why. D:<
    Belated means, like, late. Sort of like postponed. You know, when people say 'Happy Belated Birthday'? They say that when it's after the day. I like increasing my vocabulary. I like reading, so usually I can figure out the meanings of words if I see them often, but some I can't and so I check the dictionary (rarely) or guess and move on. Of course, not in school if we have to analyze stuff.

    My school started and we got some homework, and whole English isn't hard it takes a lot of time to write good responses to questions on short stories. And none of the subjects are going to be super super challenging, but with them and theater and band and choir and my muc-related stuff and soccer I'm convinced that I'm dead. We'll see after next week, when it all starts. On the other hand, I know what musicals I'm doing! In school I'm doing Little Shop of Horrors, and after watching the movie and reading the script so I actually know what it is, I think it'll be fun. And depressing because it's a really dark show. And in my other theatre group, where my friend and I will be the oldest (but only by about a year), we're doing Aladdin. I know what it is (who doesn't), but I had to watch the musical of it online to warm up to it. Now I want to be Aladdin or Jasmine. I've actually never played a guy before, but Aladdin seems like tons of fun to be, and Jasmine looks like simply a strong character to be. (If that makes sense.) But I'd prefer Aladdin.

    Ooh, that would suck. I'm not usually mistaken for others because often I'm the only one (or one out of 2-3) with blonde hair. =D A lot of people come to this area from Asia (mostly South Korea) so there goes probably a third of the class, and then people with ranges of brown and black and dirty blonde (which, honestly, looks more brown than blonde) take up the rest. I've especially noted it in my math class, probably because my teacher pointed out that it was easy to remember my because I'm the only blonde in the class.

    Jigglypuff (the anime one xD) with that Loudred/Whismur crossbreed, and Noctowl…and probably a little Slakoth, just 'cause I'm sort of lazy. That's all I can think of…know any introverted Pokemon?
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