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  • (Yeah I know. S'an aqquired taste. Just fun to ask, I suppose.)

    *mumble* Jesus Christ, it's a lion, get in the car.

    Errr...Shawn, Earthquake, Lassiter, Protect.

    *zipsnore*...what did you do with my gun... >:|
    (Lassie) Not yooou...*glances over to you for a moment*
    (Shawn) *somehow learned Bubblebeam and is goofing off* :DDDD

    (RIGHT THEN. I'm guessing you don't have USA network...?)

    Oh and one more thing: If you hurt Shawnie enough, apperently Lassie take out his raage. And he's a cop so >:3

    (...oh shut up, it-it won't make sense until you watch Psych man, it won't >:()
    Deep stimulation? Naah, I'll be dead if four years. I'll let the operation for a new liver kill me if it has to.

    ...I got a new Girafarig named Shawn and a Luxray named Lassiter. Double battle.
    Your brain fires off eletrical impulses every which way, making your hands spasm every once in a while without control, esecially you lose control of your body and rarely enter a state of one tic per minute, rendering you unable to do anything but twitch. Usually why I fuck up spelling. You can either live with it, take medication to control the spasming, or engage in a highly risky operation/deep brain stimualtion which has the risk of you developing a violent seizure.

    Guess which one I decided to do?
    Me too!

    We'll need a Nitendeo DS Emulator and the game Rom. I can't download anything on my computoer. Can you send it to me?
    Yes. But between the two of us and an online Japanese dictonary, it can't be half bad!

    Did you reasr what Butterfree wrote? The BEST Pokemon game EVER! I can't wait another six months!

    We HAVE to play!

    It seems no one understands the concept of friendship any more.

    Soooooo... no collagw tommorow, right? We'll have to cellabrate.
    Well, thanks. It's a collection of random moments of us together. I'm having a great time with it.
    August 28.

    Oh, did I tell you that I'm making a sketchbook of pictures for my one (and only) real-life friend.

    And I got to my Mum's house and I can finaly type from a computor. ^-^
    Aha, that's awful Skroy. Savagly ripping apart and analizing my words. XD
    Whatever works though. Passing classes is good. :3

    How's life?
    Bias, or biased as most say, means that you l;ean a bit more to one side. Liiiiike..
    A republican is biased towards republicans.
    An aristocrate is biased towards aristocrates (The snooty arrogant ones anyways)
    Or I may be getting it wrong, as in Republicans are biased towards Democrates, but you get the idea.
    Taking that side, then?

    An an ANIAMAL. Intellagent animals such as us can't help but think about it every once in a while.

    ...I sound defensive. Gah.
    I wanted to see it for humarous purposes, more or less. It'd be kind of intresting.

    At any rate... I'm a guy. At least I'm not obbsessed.

    It seems their forum doesn't work. *readies coding skills*
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