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  • the sky. it is higer than the ceiling. I win.lolnobutseriouslywaitOHGODWHYAMIDOINGTHISLONGSCROLLOFTEXTTHINGAGAIN
    ...Correctmy writing but don't expect anything of it. Wii Internet, remember?

    There's POKEPORN? (I would ask you to link... but I would feel weird doing it).

    But God, I love Scyther...
    -snickers- It was the lines more thanthe pictures themselves. I went to get my picture, found out I needed a card, went back to the main hall. Got my card after a delay because I moved homerooms so mine was in the pile for my old one. Went back, asked if it mattered that it said 30 instead of 22, the lady sends me back. I go and get it changed, and by then the lineup of around twenty or less is a line of at least a hundred; likely more as it's a big school. I was very glad for it to be over.

    You're biased. =P I get easily influenced by avatars and such, though. Some people I automatically think of as their avatars. I'd say mine would be…that's actually hard to say. A Whismur/Loudred crossbreed with some Noctowl/Alakazam and Jigglypuff? ^^; Maybe I'm looking too deep into this, looking for Pokemon representing y temperament and interests, but I think that sums up the most obvious stuff. Going simply by type and personal preference, though, I'd say…maybe a Torchic…Hoothoot/Noctowl…Bulbasaur…man, I could write an essay on this! O.o
    You should.
    Once you know what you want, strive to it. Do your best to reach it. Trust me, it's a good stratigy.
    A major, as I know it, is something you specialise in. Like for me, my major woiuld probably be art, but it could be journalism as well if I really worked at it. You can major in whatever, but it's easyer and more productive to major in something you like, regardless of skill.
    Actualy, I think I might major in Psychology or Zooligy..
    Or just Art. I'm not there yet, so I don't know.
    A major is why you went to college (suc as peidatrics). A minor would be something like Java.
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