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  • I go to high school for, what, two hours, and I'm tired out. Partly because of the walk home, but still! Mostly because of the torture that is picture day. -.-

    What's a Pokésona? A Pokemon version of yourself? If I'm right, that was a lucky guess. ^^;
    That's freaky. Really. Killing your friends and all that. O.O

    I think it's the Hunger Games because you're surviving in a manmade wilderness; you have to hunt and find edible plants to survive, and one mis-identified berry can end your life. That's the basic idea, I think. But I'm not in a deep-thinking mood, so you probably shouldn't trust me to have good ideas about that.
    The Hamburger Games…interesting. xD Tell me if it's ignorant or forgetful or something not to know what Battle Royale means. >_< But the main idea of it is how a girl is in it from one of the poor districts and she makes a difference and rebels a little…and there's some romance although it's only sort of and it's epic half of the time because, of course, most of the contestants die. =/
    Yeah, I've only stayed up all night for a book once or twice before. Mostly for Harry Potter. It's the Hunger Games Series, I think. If it has another name then I don't know what it is. It's about a future post-epic-war earth, and there's one Capitol with 12 districts tha they control, and every year they have the Hunger Games where two from each district go to the Capitol and are put into an arena and have to fight to the death. 'Course, that wouldn't be epic enough, so it's a random huge arena with water or trees and such and people can run or hunt for food or fight because it lasts for a few weeks.
    I have no inspiration at the moment for stuff other than my new story. =( I'm so finicky; I'm going to change the name. But it'll fit better, I hope.

    Uh…I bought Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins yesterday. But I'd forgotten to reread The Hunger Games, the previous book in the series, and I wanted to catch up. So I spent the night up until 5AM reading through both. I'm tired today. -_-;
    xD I don't know, it needs a more substantial plot. But I'm willing to help write it. =)

    You have bad timing. My b-day's in March. But my half birthday's on the twelfth, if you're desperate for a reason. xD
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