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  • Hi. You've been quiet. If it's college, or you're not in the mood to respond to my huge VM, that's fine. Just checking. ^^
    XD That's an…interesting way to put it. XD But yes, a long serious converswtion would be fun. (I'm weird too.) And interesting and all that, but at some point I'd probably suddenly talking about funner stuff again. ^^;

    My sister is sort of sensitive too. My brother (for whatever reason when they were fighting) tapped/touched my sister's face with the back of his hand, and she started getting all angry and accused him of hitting/slapping her (which might be true, I didn't see it) and when I tried to convince her along with my brother that islt was an accident she started crying and saying that it was on purpose. -.- Such is life when three siblings rarely get along. I care for them and love them 'n all, but sometimes it's hard to stand them. But my friend's sister is a year younger than us, and they loathe each other with a passion. It's almost scary. Once she wouldn't let her sister watch a movie with us so I abandoned her, went down to the basement with her sister, and watched the movie with her. I like both of them, but sometimes I feel bad for both as both do really annoying things like taking stuff from rooms and being irritating in general.

    I think my jealousy has kind of helped, but at the same time it makes me sad. But I usually forget about it and keep working. It's just annoying to see not only her, but quite a few in my musical theater class (which was for ages 8-13 last year; my sister was in a different group) get larger and better parts than me. In my defense, though, I really sucked in September compared to now. -_-;

    My friends came over once and one of them tried my surgeon game, and every few seconds I had to remind her of things and explain things. (A and B to grab…drain…in the top-right! Use the nunchuck! -facepalm-)

    It's more of a friend triangle and a love triangle, with the partner and Grovyle obviously both trusting her and then being on different sides. And even after the whole trip to the future and stuff it still applies, partly because Grovyle sees their friendship and he always puts himself down and always tries hard to protect her because of an event in the past, and he has…low self-esteem? I don't know how to describe it, but after the event, and even before it a little, he's thought that he doesn't do a good enough job and he never will, so he tries and then gets kind of depressed and angry with himself if he fails. It'll be epic.
    I'm only about 80 something emblems away from getting metal sonic ^^! and about 70 something emblems away from unlocking sonic the hedgehog 2 to play =D
    That just proves that fast sonic is fast. I only need to finish e-102's story to unlock super sonic! also I'm trying to get all the emblems so I can unlock metal sonic.
    (late reply is late =S) yup. Sorry for latereply, I was playing sonic adventure dx dc and I got so absorbed into playing it. I FREAKING LOVE THAT GAME. I think I have a new favorate sonic game!
    =O Lawbreaker! Oh well, what do I care? I would do it too. =P

    xD Your sister is violent. How old is she? I have an eight-year-old sister who's nine on Monday and a…twelve-year-old brother. I always forget how old he is. ^^; My sister is this huge drama queen who whines a lot. And makes a big deal about everything. And she likes to copy people she likes, most notably on TV shows and in music. After watching a dance show she'll be doing a few dance moves for a while. And copying all of the flirtatious sorts of moves, which is more than a little disturbing and annoying, but she doesn't think like that. And she also does all of the musical stuff I do except playing an instrument. I'm kind of jealous of her, because I haven't got a really big part in any of my shows yet, but just this year in The Wizard of Oz she was Dorothy. And it makes my sad to see that she's outdoing me.

    But this year I think I've improved a lot. I talk louder, I'm more confident, I'm better at being in character due to the character studies we had to do (which I think have helped me with my writing), and my singing is much better than at the beginning of the year; most of that is simply due to my voice teacher who helped me sing louder and have more control and stuff. So hopefully I'll get a big part this year; if not, I still love musical theater.

    My brother is interesting. He has mild Autism, but mild is a subjective term. Wikipedia's description of characteristics is: "It is distinguished not by a single symptom, but by a characteristic triad of symptoms: impairments in social interaction; impairments in communication; and restricted interests and repetitive behavior. Other aspects, such as atypical eating, are also common but are not essential for diagnosis." So basically, he doesn't communicate well and has trouble reading people and with sarcasm, he gets interested in stuff and learns everything about it but is stubborn and doesn't like doing stuff in school he's not interested in. Then he spouts out the information when we've told him that we aren't interested in it, and barely talks about anything else. When people give him jobs he does it right away (like chores) even if he hates it and even if he isn't expected to do it at that moment. And he really likes routine, and he's always on electronics. Like me, except it's all video games and YouTube, and he doesn't read or anything. So it's annoyig, but occasionally he's okay. Sometimes we actually share interests and he help me with games that I'm stuck on (often watching me and telling me where to go even after I've told him five times that I want to figure it out on my own).

    Holycrapthat'slong. Yeah, you usually write long stuff about lighthearted/small-talk stuff. Once or twice you say really serious things, but I don't think we've had a big discussion on anything like that. And…that's kind of cool, that I'm the only one you talk unseriously to like that. ^^

    And I might know what I'm doing - I'm trying to figure out the details and how to work it, but I think a love triangle would make things interesting. (Of course, the hero won't think of it as love because she's grown up not knowing that kind of love and all that, which makes it less awkward to write.) And I don't know how, but I've started comparing her to and making her sort of like Haibara Ai. In the whole mysterious sense. And being all blunt. And…-shuts up so she doesn't spoil half the story-
    I like making friends with my teachers, sort of. I tend to see the good side of them, and while I may complain about them with my friends, I tend to like them more than others. I've never really had a teacher I loathed or was on bad terms with; they usually turn out to be really nice. That might be in part due to teachers and such choosing to put me with teachers they know I will get along with. But yeah, I usually like teachers, despite their faults.

    Right. Flash cart. I don't know stuff about that, so…but whatever. I'll probably ask for it for Christmas, provided I can find it. On the topic of Christmas, my younger siblings still beleive in Santa. While I haven't decided if it's right to deceive kids like this, I get presents from Santa as well as my family's gifts, which makes for a good haul. /random topic change

    I'm leaning towards subtle/hints of fluff with the partner, because I have an easier time imagining it with the characters, and I think subtle is easier than big confession scenes and having to be all romantic and stuff. But if nobody votes for those even after a large number of voters I'll do one of the other options, because the audience is a big part of FF.net. I mean, you do this to put your ideas out there, practice writing, and getting feedback. Well, and for fun, but meh. You aren't getting paid, so if it's bad that's fine, but it's nice to please the readers. For me, it lets me know that I have potential.

    Combining my last two VMs (as I went to edit the first but accidentally typed in the new message box and posted it), they're almost as long. But your posts are always longer, so I'm proud that they were actually that long, even if almost half was shameless self-advertisement. xD
    You know that newish story? My brain keeps spouting out ideas and now I'm addicted to the story (which I've named Fragments of Memory). But now I'm not in the mood to write any of my other stories. >_< It's coming along well, if not complicated, and I think if it doesn't crash and burn (as in I don't abandon it) it's going to be amazing compared to some of my other work. If that's not bragging. And I put up a new poll on my FF profile because I need help with deciding the relationships - all of the choices appeal to me. If you want to vote, ignore the bit about looking at my profile to read about it. I haven't updated that quite yet. -_-;

    If you haven't noticed, I have a tendency to constantly turn the topic to myself, things I'm worried or excited about, or things I want to talk about, which may not neccessarily be what you want to talk about. Hehe…sorry if I occasionally seem self-absorbed or boring.
    Teahcers can make such a difference in how good your year is. Apparently last year at my school there were three English Honours classes. On of the teachers was decent. The other one who taught two classes apparently marked really, really hard, and my friend who got A's in a private school got a C+. I really don't want that teacher. >_<

    I want to be:

    •A high school math teacher.
    •A stage actress in musicals (Broadway is preferable, but I doubt I'll be that good. XP)
    •A music/choir teacher.
    •A singer.
    •Whatever else there is to do with teaching or music.

    I want that game. Mail it to me. xD I was really addicted to the first one, and played it for about four days straight because I wanted to finish it before my cousin left with it.
    Bold is essential for your program…are you becoming a scientist or something, or do you just happen to need those classes? Actually, what job do you want after you're out of college?

    The new Professor Layton game? If not… -tosses hint coin-
    It will be done. In some unspecified point of the future ^^;; I dodn't even want to open a shop, my brother kept pushing me to....Also, I got my sonic game today. IT WAS EPIC.
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