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  • isumniuh suhbd khwbin tehgn kougny headtz nih ko..
    He's lazy about cleaning his room so he can get his computer looked at. *cough*

    NEXT TIME WE'LL AIM FOR *dun dun dun* TORONTO fuck yeah

    too much excitement...
    I did. Now to change the subject so you dont get more pissed at me. BUT I CANT THINK OF ANYTHING TO SAY D:
    Interesting class. xD But I guess if you're going to analyze the words of thugs and people like Angela you'll have to swear. When you think about it, it could reveal a lot about a person, based on the frequency of swearing and the words themselves.
    I'm good at forgetting stuff I learn. =3

    I'm mostly okay with it. In literacy, for example, sometimes dialogue or one-loners just fall flat without them because there's no word that works as well, or because they don't sound as bad-ass as the character actually is. The only one that I have a problem with (that I can think of) is the f word. I find it kind of stupid and easily replaceable and bad to listen to. The only reason I put up with it in A Little Night Music is because the characters and the plot are done really well.
    .)deen yletarepsed I gnihtemos si hcihw( gnikniht lacitirc fo ssecorp s'eno ecnahne spleh taht esruoc a osla s'tI .cte ,sexes neewteb noitcaretni ,egaugnal ydob ,tra ,cisum hguorht sa hcus noitacinummoc fo smrof suoirav ezylana ll'ew hcihw ni ,esruoc snoitacinummoc a yllacisab si "!?TAHW YAS"
    I'm in school already. Today marked my third day of sevanth grade. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying college, what classes do you have?

    And on swear words I don't like them used excessivly, but tossed around here and there doesn't bother me. Heck I curse every blue moon, I don't see why others shouldn't be allowed to. :3
    Well, if used lightly (e.g. to show frusteration) or humorously I think it's okay, but when you MEAN it, as in seriously mean it, then i jam the report button or something.
    You have to review your high school notes? That sucks. Remind me in four years not to throw out my old schoolwork. -_-;
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