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  • I've known who that charachter is since it forst came out in japan :P I spoil some things for myself by watching Youtube videos xD
    I'm debating whether to buy M&L 3 or drawn to life 2. I think i'm going to buy m&l 3 :D speaking of that game, I love your avatar :o
    Dude.. awesome. xD

    My Mom has told me some stuff about college, but I know they probably have changed a thing or two lately. It... actually sounds pretty cool - I think I'll do well as long as I stop being so lazy and actually make a schedule for myself. That first course you listed sounds kinda funny though haha. I should probably look up Calculus or something... I've already learned quite a bit about relativity in Math from Algebra and my self-taught programming skillz, (lol) but I'm sure there's more to learn.

    I am pretty shy, but I actually ask questions quite a bit when I find it necessary. As for what I'll go into, I think I'll just go into computers and just work on my art skills in a supplemental class / on my own. Because... while I am artistic, game design and computer programming is definitely what I want to do for a living.

    Ah, you have a DeviantArt account too? I just got one lately, and I've been too lazy to put much on there yet. =/ I really need to get a scanner or something. I just recently drew up this really awesome character sheet (well by my standards) but it's on paper and... ugh. It just takes too much time to draw on the computer, and I don't get to use it that often while I have school & football going on.

    I thought it would be annoying to type with this bandage on my thumb, but it actually works out pretty well... I played running back in practice today, so my forearms and hands got kinda beat up. xD I have like 2 bandages on my right hand, one on my left, and a bruise on my left arm. I need to bring my arm pads next time. >_>
    Ce n'est pas toutes les discussions qui peuvent tenir longtemps. ;w;

    Et oui, j'ai 23 ans, la preuve que pokémon n'es tpas QUE pour les plus jeunes. :C xD Quoique j'ai toujours tendances à mieux m'entendre avec des gens un peu plus jeunes. du moins avec les adolescents plus vieux en général. :/
    Nah, I'm already at a loss for how to continue the mini-rp. I'll probably have more when you post the picture, because I just know that it's going to make me laugh. ^^

    No. I don't think I've seen a jar of baby food since I was something like eight. Maybe longer.

    Put it as my background. =D But is the quote at the top about them? (Okay, I'm assuming it is, but ya never know…)

    Yay~ I finished auditions for Aladdin yesterday. I think I did pretty well…ugh, I don't find out my part until the week after the 17th! Such a long wait! Grr… but the class (including the auditions was insanely fun. We warmed up, then they finished last week's auditions and I read as Aladdin with a girl who read for Genie. Then we did a game or two, listened to music from the show, and then they split us into groups and gave us characters and we had to read and block (choreograph, sort of) the scenes. I got to be Aladdin again, my friend was Jasmine, my other good friend was Iago (Jafar's parrot) and the girl who read Genie with me was Genie again. =D We were the last group to start, and we read through once before blocking it. As a result, we only blocked half of the scene and winged the rest of it. xD I came in with the genie pulling me in on a sweater (in lieu of the carpet) and we had a lot of fun. We also did a 'catwalk' in which we walked down as a character and said a line, and afterward we made the teachers do it as well. XD Yeah. Fun class. =D
    Tarraingt tú sméar Pecha as do phóca agus caith sé os comhair an Pokémon. Devoured sé é! Caithfidh sé gur breá an sweetness.
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