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  • Yep, I'm thinking I'll have to really work to get into character. Partly because I'll feel stupid; I'm still working on being totally crazy when acting and feeling fine about it. I'm a narrator (of which there are five) for the other half of the shows, so there I'll have some lines and singing, but still, it's not very impressive to say "I'm Abuthe monkey and Narrator 2!" xD We all have to have distinctive "characters" as narrators, and I'm considering:

    a) Being overdramatic with many changes in tone and volume and large hand gestures

    b) Singing all of my speaking line

    c) Dance/spin/move around/etc. while saying lines.

    Whichever I pick, I think it'll be entertaining if I can master it. =)

    New movie? I am probably going to watch that now then. =3 Can't wait.

    Zritts. That's going to take some getting used to. It's like if (hypothetically) my friend Isabelle decided to be called Chloe. I just associate you with "Skroy" and I basically think of it as your name, although of course you have a name in real life, too. But I will try to call you that if I can remember/fell comfortable using it. =D
    Skroy, that post about Pikachu's gender was complete and indisputable logic. You will go into the Debating Hall.
    Naw, I've been ranting to my friends through Facebook all evening. I need a break. I'll probably be better after the first few rehearsals. =/ Gonna watch the movie again and watch for "me"…
    Also its really stupid that he dies in the end, because now the greatest villain ever will probably not be in another game.
    Okay so I actually got my part ten minutes ago, after which I cried up until about one minute ago.

    I am Abu. The friggen monkey! WTH is this they talked about spreading roles around and making sure that everyone gets a chance yet all of the good people get huge roles again and I'm always stuck in a medium role! And I'm really mad and I know that the leads are fairly good but they all got fairly big roles last year! And I was stuck with one of the smallest ones, yet they do it to me every friggen year!!!!

    Please excuse my rant but I can't function so I'm going to curl up into a ball now.
    I find out my part tomorrow! =3 You won't have to listen to me obsess over it any more! Gah, my sister got hers yesterday. She was Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz last year so they tried to spread parts around, so this year she's a narrator. I'm happy because I'm pretty sure I'll either get a bigger part or have the same part. That will be a nice change. =)

    It would be less scary if I could memorize all of that. =/ I'm not even going to look at the formulas again… but I think I will figure out the meanings of the terms. If I don't forget them by tomorrow.

    Your system sounds good. =) This year, I'll finally be able to see my percentage and not just the letter grade. I have no idea if there are D's in high school here, actually, so I'll have to tell you once I get my report card. Your calculations are pretty much the same as my area's, but the B's dip a little lower into the C's, C and C+ share the entire C range, and C- is more in the D area. I think.
    Trust me, I'll get distracted and start talking to you whenever I get stuck. So at least weekly, probably more. That's kind of a good thing and a bad thing all rolled into one…

    Apparently we're going to learn basic trigonometry this year. That scares me more than algebra, but three years ago the algebra I'm doing would have scared me. As long as I get a good exanation I think I'll be fine.

    For me a high C+ is 75%. I don't remember what the percentages are below that, but getting around 60% in a subject would suck. I don't know about high school, but in my area the grades are weird. A=86-100, B=75-85, C+=?-75, and after that there's C, C-, and FAILURE. =)
    I'm athiest. My parents don't know and I'm too afraid to tell them, so I'm always doing a chyrch activity.

    I believe there is no life after death. But then again, one never knows.

    Aww, thanks.

    You are my best online friend, you know that? (Which makes you my best friend in one of the worlds I live in).

    And I hope I I'm not dying or anything of the sort. Although secretly, I am mildy curious to how everyone would react, and what dying would be like.
    Because I'm always telling everyone it's no big deal.

    ...Skroy, what do you think of me?
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