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  • Psst! You told blazieaura Zritts is a name you use- where do you use it, then?

    Edit: If I'd like to change my username, I simply have to PM butterfree the new username I want to have?
    Hey there! Hopefully you'll have luck with that NaNoWrimo stuff. I can't take part, I don't know what it is anyway, but I wish you luck!(I should stop saying that to everyone)
    Well, I've started writing. I'm behind the recommended daily word count for reaching 50 000, but I'm still writing more then I normally could. =D Hopefully my show-packed next few weeks don't get me off track.

    Halloween was good. I went to my friend's house and we trick-or-treated around the area and then we went back. Two of them wanted to watch The Orphan, but my other friend and I don't do scary movies, so we went downstairs and played on the Wii. xD We stayed up until midnight but then we had to go home.

    And I went to theater (Aladdin) that day and the narrators are actually huge parts. =O We have magical powers and we decide to go into the story and we have lots of lines. And we freeze action and rewind it. ^^ So we're like secondary leads. And we made a huge list of personalities and made it so there were five pairs of personalities, one of each pair on each cast. I'm the overdramatic drama queen named Sparks. Should be fun. =) My friend is on my cast in both shows. She's the Magic Carpet with me as Abu, and when we're narrators she's the brainiac named Shakespeare, even though her character's a girl. xD

    I'm really happy right now because the Glee album came out today. If you don't watch Glee, you really should. It is an insanely funny TV show, but it's about a singing group and some of the people are on Broadway so the singing is amazing! Such good songs… =3

    99%? I'm jealous! I was getting 98.1% last week. Well, it's only .9% xD I was getting beaten by two guys in my math class by 0.2%, but I think my mark wen't down because I got a B on a quiz that we had. And yay, you got a tablet! XD A bunch of people at school use laptops, so sometimes of they have to actually write or draw they use it.
    Well the previose night I fell asleep around nine, so waking up at four probably means me beating your friend :>

    I'm IN Nano baby. I've writen 7478 words so far and I've been able to cunjured up a plot that I may be capible of continuing for a while.. >:D
    Hey there! It's fucking late around here and im happy about the fact that my cousins from belgium came to visit(it's germany here, Y'know). Im tired and happy I finally got to make my cat sleep in my bed, on a cusion(spelling?), and that she accepts that I carry her around. And you?
    <.< >.>

    It'll be Skroy then.

    And I think I'll take notes if I want to take notes, thank you. And sketch your reall name if I want.

    So where did the inspiration for 'Zritts' come from? It reminds me of coffee grinds.
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