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  • I LOVE MUSIC. I WANT TO CREATE IT, I WANT TO LISTEN TO IT. I WANT TO PLAY IT, TO SING IT. I want to be able to play pianoooo.. My parents can't find anybody they know who will teach me for free though.. ;-;
    So I'm learning guitar. I like piano more, but I'm not in any position to complain, really.

    And yes. Perfect fitting or tight shirts we reavealing, even though they cover everything. I want to hide myself, not show it off. |:<
    I am too. But I cant think of anything. Have you heard of kirbys rainbow resort? I LOVE THAT WEBSITE. They answered a question I sent to them. I am happy.

    I havn't gotten to listen to new wave yet, but I agree with both of the others. Song of Storms is catchy in an addictive way. On that note, SARIAS SONG.
    I have finished a few of them, beat the final boss and stuff, but I turned off the game before it had a chance to save.
    And I'm basicly collecting treasures in Majoras mask. I've obtained the Zoras mask, but I havn't even started on the Ocean quest. I'm colecting bottles, heart pieces, and just goofing off. I even watched the moon fall once, on purpose of course. X3

    I LOVE OATH TO ORDER. AND IT WHEN THE GIANT SANG IT, THAT WAS EPIC. Very nice melody. I'm going to have to play it on piano sometime~
    I havn't been in it. I never really finish at least one file on my Zelda games. I beat all of the dungeons, but I don't beat Ganondorf or whoever is there. Mostly because the game starts over. Completly over.
    And Redeads scare the sh*t out of me so I prefer going through their dungeon once.
    In Twilight Princess, Midna gets an epic cutscene of her destroying the barrior to the castle. I watch that over and over.
    I am a nerd.
    I wish. I can play things on the piano by ear and I've figured out a couple things on the guitar (along with chords my dad has taught me), but it's not enough to say I can play it.
    So... no. I can sing well.
    Of course I made it up~ Unless I state otherwise I make up everything I say. X3

    And I just have one thing to say,
    Perserver more. Even if the thought enters your suconsiouse that's a bad sign. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN, OKAY? ;-;

    And on the name thing... Haha, I am still an unknown~
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